This blog was created with the hopes of helping women discover the treasures within themselves and God's Word. ...And it has a become a platform for me to share these truths through my stories.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Summertime is Here!!
I always have. But now that I have children, I love Summer even more!
My kids are home with me! I don't have to send them off to school everyday. They are home where they belong! :)
Summer evokes so many memories. I love everything about it.
You remember the lazy days of warm weather and no school.
I remember waking up to hearing the drones of lawn mowers and laughing children. The hum of a thousand air conditioners lurked in the background. Groggily gettting up to an event-less day, free to choose my entertainment, was the norm for my childhood. Of course, there were "chores" to be done, but nothing compared to the duties of adulthood. I would eventually end up outside turning flips or working on the ever elusive back handspring. Or as a teen, I would "lay out", trying to get the perfect Coppertone tan.
Summer memories:
Wandering outside
Feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin
A tickle from the occasional blowing of wind
The rustle of tree branches from the breeze
Locusts buzzing in the bushes
Splashes and giggles from nearby pools
Playing in the sprinkler
Washing the car
Sleeping late
Watching the late, late movie
ahhhhhh!!! I love summer!!!!
God is so faithful to us in all He does. My heart was turned to the Psalms this morning. Listen to His Word to us today:
Psalm 33:4
"For the Word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does."
Wow! What a powerful Word of God. I challenge you to memorize this one. Put it on an index card and keep it on your desk and in your purse. If you are tempted to doubt in any way, this seed of God's Word will increase your faith!
I pray you have a wonderful day! Summer time is time when I focus on my kiddos, so a weekly post will be about it. Meditate on His Word today! ~ and enjoy the wonder of Summer!!!!
love you all!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The world is unprincipled. It's dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn't fight fair. But we don't live or fight our battles that way--never have and never will.
The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture.
We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.
Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.
Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. "If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you."
It is a simple 5 letter word that holds the key to so many things in our lives.
We live in a world that is entangled in so much deception, even the very "elect" are easily deceived.
Truth is not relative. It does not change with culture or modern mentalities.
Truth is absolute. It is firm and sure and unchanging.
Something is either true or false- a truth or a lie.
We cannot bargain to the highest bidder to see which "truth" we will live. We either live truth or we don't.
If we allow it, truth is very simple.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Birthday Blessings!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A Gift from God
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Discerning What is Best
Oh my goodness. My heart is still so full of joy and happiness. God is so good to me. I am blessed beyond measure for all of the blessings He has given to me!
I have so much on my heart this week and have like a gazillion things I want to write about. There has been an earthquake in China - not too far from where we were a year ago- and not too far from Mia's orphanage. (Please pray for these precious people!) Two of my wonderful children have birthdays this week and I hope I get to remember back on the beauty of their births, but today, God is really speaking to my heart from His Word. I want to share that with you.
Discerning What is Best
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations in which we aren't sure what to do, or how to handle. We seek God's perfect will and plan- only to feel like He is silent. Have you been there? I have. In those situations, I just wish I could sent a text message saying, "Lord, here I am. Could you let me know 'yes' or 'no' on this deal? Thnx!"
I was reading my Bible this morning and was drawn to Philippians 1.
Philippians 1:9
"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God."
His answer for us is right here! To be able to "discern what is best" we must pray that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.
Hmmmmmm. Knowing God's will is wrapped up in self-sacrifice! Ouch! That is so contrary to what our humanity wants to believe.
Please print this verse out and set it on your desk or your counter top. Meditate on it for the next few weeks. Let the word get digested way down in your spirit man. (I do this with verses sometimes for weeks and months at a time. I am continually amazed at how God speaks to me from a simple verse for so long.)
Next, dwell on Romans 12:1,2
"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.
God is amazing and awesome and He desires for you to know and live in the perfection of His plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11). But He will not force us to do the things He has planned for us. We must seek Him and follow Him with our every breath and every step- laying aside our plans for our life.
Meditate on His word. Breathe in His presence. Discern what is His best.
Love you all!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
A Tribute to my Wonderful Mom!
By Dorinda A. Blann
Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom.
I don’t remember it, but it was the first sound I ever heard.
It was my mother’s heartbeat. Her womb was my cradle. Her heartbeat gave me a heartbeat. Her life gave me life. I heard her heartbeat every second of every day, until the day I was pushed from her womb and into the world.
Air came rushing in my lungs.
I couldn't hear her heartbeat any longer.
Then I was placed in her loving embrace.
Again, I heard her heartbeat.
As I have grown older, I have learned to love everything about her.
Her spiritual heartbeat (along with my father’s) pointed me to a life in Christ. I saw her model His compassion and His love every day. I heard her spiritual heartbeat through her Christ like actions. Her spiritual heartbeat is strong and always has been. Her spiritual heart beats in rhythm to the Master’s. She gave me a hunger for Christ~ in a heartbeat. I want my spiritual heartbeat to be like hers – strong, vibrant, and spirit-filled.
Again, I hear her heartbeat.
Her emotional heartbeat taught me to be a kind and caring person, yet strong and disciplined. She taught me to be passionate while pursuing God given talents. She encouraged me to find my own heartbeat in life. Her emotional heartbeat is strong and always has been. Her emotional heart beats to the same cadence as the Savior’s. She gave me my first set of wings ~ in a heartbeat. I want my emotional heartbeat to be like hers – healthy, full of life and always reaching out to others.
Again, I hear her heartbeat.
Her physical heartbeat gave me life, and gives her life.
The doctor’s say they cannot do any more for her.
No more medicines will make it stronger.
The pace maker is doing all it can do.
Her physical heartbeat is weak and wearing out.
Again, I hear her heartbeat.
Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom.
I would give her my heart, if I could,
This woman, my mother, is so much more than a heartbeat.
She is strength.
She is courage.
She is passion.
She is wisdom.
She is resourceful.
She is dignity.
She is godly.
She is integrity.
She is my mother.
Again, I hear her heartbeat.
I hear her heartbeat
when she loves on my children.
I hear her heartbeat
when she prays to our Father in heaven.
I hear her heartbeat
when she gives to missions.
I hear her heartbeat
when she kisses my cheek and holds my hand.
Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom.
When the time comes for her physical heartbeat to stop and begin again in the heavenlies, I will still hear her heartbeat.
Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom.
Every time I love on my children,
her heartbeat will be heard.
Every time I pray to our Father in heaven,
her heartbeat will be heard.
Every time I give to missions,
her heartbeat will be heard.
Every time I kiss a cheek and hold a hand,
her heartbeat will be heard.
Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom. Ba boom.
I will remember it. It was the first sound I ever heard.
She is my mother.
Hear her heartbeat.
Aren't they just adorable?
Friday, May 9, 2008
Noni's China Journals: Mia's Video
I would embed the total link here if I could, but you need to go to Glenda's blog and click the video link on the right.
Before you go there, grab a tissue~ no, get the whole stinking box!!!
This video does what I have been trying to do through these entire China Journals. The Beauty of Adoption is painted for you. Don't miss the colors of Macy's giggles! or the beauty of the brush strokes in the love on Glenda's face.....
Thank you Steven Curtis Chapman for writing the most beautiful song about adoption~ "When Love Takes You There".
Oh, my....
This noni is a blubbering.......
love you all!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Noni's China Journals: Gotcha Day at Last!
Here is a picture I couldn't find for my Thursday post. This is the Big Sister's Club party in Noni's room.
The Big Sister's Club Party!
Sunday is Mother's Day and I am preaching. I can't concentrate on getting the sermon together because I am a melting pot of emotions! I started these China Journals for you all to go to China with me and see what I saw and feel what I felt.
Noni's China Journals: One More Day to Mia!
I remember sending an email after we landed in Guangzhou about the excitement level building with these parents.
Most of the time was spent filling out paperwork and getting documents and money ready for the big "Gotcha Day" of these precious babies.
While parents were busy with the paper trails, this noni had a Big Sister Club party in my room for the three girls about to enter the joys of sibling rivalry. We made a tent out of sheets draped over the chairs and picnicked on brownies, peanut butter crackers and apple juice.
It was fun talking to these 3 girls about the joys of being a big sister and how they would help mommy and daddy take care of their new sibling.
How do I describe to you the excitement and expectation levels that were continually rising in these families' hearts?
The anxious pats on the shoulder of a spouse.
The hope filled stares out of the bus window.
A squeeze of the hand.
A longing in the eyes that no words can describe. A longing that can only mean~ I am here for a purpose and that is to hold my baby girl in my arms.
The nervous laughter that erupted for no real reason.
One more night without a new baby.
One more night for the longing to be unfulfilled.
All of the expectations of the past two years are about to come to pass.
Sleepless nights in a country half way around the world are about to end - or continue. :)
But- better to have sleepless nights with a crying baby, than to have them because of empty arms.
Tomorrow we celebrate Mia's first "Gotcha Day"!
Thank you Jesus for the beauty of Adoption. I am doubly blessed in many ways.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Noni's China Journals: Pictures
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Noni's China Journals: Beijing
- Somewhere in this vast country Mia is waiting for us. She doesn't know she is waiting but she is.
- For the first few days, every woman I saw, I wondered if she was Mia's mother and if she would somehow return for her baby before Brad and Glenda could hold Mia in their arms.
- Is this just a bad "air" day or can they ever see the blue sky and sunshine?
- People, by the thousands, hundreds of thousands, everywhere.
- Riding in a bus, looking out the window and staring at workers through windows on the top floor of sky scrapers because the interstate was three layers high.
- Looking out the hotel window at the masses of people below contemplating the lostness of their souls without my Jesus.
- Thinking about the beauty of missions and praying for our missionaries.
- 16 million people in this city alone where an organized church gathering is illegal.
- A city of 16 million people that 99.9% live in high rise apartments. (Comprehend that!)
Our hotel was very upscale. I had a room to myself. Brad, Glenda and Macy were not too far down the hall. Again, my web cam and skype account were awesome! I was able to see and talk to my family for FREE!
Glenda and I ventured to the neighborhood market across the street. It is amazing that there are so many American brands available overseas. Oreos. m&ms. Soaps. V-8. Cookies. All but diet coke- only coca-cola light. UUUUGGGGGH!!!! My replacement? Strawberry and tomato V-8. Mmmmm mmmmm good. (I can't find that in the States but have learned how to make my own strawberry/tomato V-8!)
We met the rest of our travel group. Each family had their own beautiful story of wanting to adopt. I remember everyone being quite confused that I was Glenda's mom. Glenda was having way too much fun with that.
Friday we walked to the nearest McDonalds. Fun stuff! Glenda and I went to the ladies room to check out the "squatty potties". Do I dare tell you my story? Let me post my picture first.
That evening we met up with a family that was adopting for the second time. They were very comfortable with their surroundings, so we all ventured out on a taxi excursion to eat authentic Chinese food. Do you know how helpless it feels to trust a total stranger to drive you around in a foreign city to places you have no idea how to get to? (Does that make me a control freak?)
Next big revelation: The Chinese food I love so much, is not Chinese food. It is very, very westernized oriental food. Big Big revelation!
And we made it back to the hotel safe and sound!
After chatting again on the web cam, we went to bed in order to be rested for our big day of sight seeing the next day~ Tiennanmen Square and other sights of Beijing.
I wanted to know my history of the 1989 massacre, so before I went to bed, I googled Tinanmen Square. Nothing. I tried again using a different search engine. Nothing. My computer immediately shut down. **Poof**!!!!Wow! My brain could not comprehend such things! An adrenaline rush pulsed through my being. Raw Fear.
Then the calming peace of realizing I am an American citizen ~ backed and protected by the greatest military army in the world.
The song by Lee Greenwood plays in my mind: "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free."
I made a mental note to self: do not google search politically "incorrect" stuff again while in China! I would do my history lesson when on free soil, where the ugly truth and the pretty truth is still freely discussed.
The next day I would walk through Tiananmen Square. I would see the ghosts of 1989 in my mind. I would hear their protest for democracy~ Cries for freedom that were shot down and run over with army tanks.
I turned my computer back on, thankful that is still worked throughout my trip, but painfully aware that it was much slower than before. Can anyone say "spyware"? (yes, I have an overactive imagination, but you will not convince me otherwise.)
Okay - I am slow going- TOMORROW - More on Tiananmen Square, The Forbidden City, Summer Palace, The Great Wall, but mostly pictures.
I cannot even begin to tell you the depth of happiness that "Gotcha Days" mean to our family. September 15th and May 9th are just as important as birthdays in our book. They are two days that God ordained for our family to be brought to wholeness of soul and to completion. I hope by the time my China Journal series is completed, you will have been able to glimpse into the windows of our souls and feel the joy of Gotcha Days with us! (By the way, my daughter is remembering back on our time in China also on her blog. Click here to read.)
3 more days until "Gotcha Day!"