It is so good to be back and have internet again!!!
My goodness! But.... I have to say that being without internet in the backwoods of Eastern Arkansas brings a family together.
During Spring Break we went to a cabin. We had such a great relaxing time. The kids had a blast. There were trails to climb and vines to swing from.... even my dad got out there and scared us all to death!! Memories were sure made!
One of the good things about going to the boonies is that you appreciate civilization so much when you get back! :)
While I was catching up on all of my emails and facebook messages, I was drawn to pray for several of my friends. When God lays someone on my heart to pray for them, I like to pray the Word of God over them.
Today, I posted a facebook vi-devotional (my word for it) on this scripture, Ephesians 3:14-19.
14 When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, 15the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. 16I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. 17And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. 18And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. 19May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
20Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. 21May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen.
Wow! What a scripture!
Here are a few highlights I see:
1) His UNLIMITED resources are the source of mighty inner strength He wants to give to me - and you!
2) Christ wants to feel "at home" in our hearts. That happens as we trust in Him.
3) God's love is wide, long, high and deep.
4) God's love is so wide, long, high and deep that we will never fully understand it.
5) But, as we strive to learn about His infinite love we will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Now chew on that for a while! :)
Isn't God just absolutely amazing!?
I pray you find His amazing love and mercy today.
This blog was created with the hopes of helping women discover the treasures within themselves and God's Word. ...And it has a become a platform for me to share these truths through my stories.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy Birthday, Glenda!!!
March 25, 1975........
A soon to be teenage girl in Arkansas was oblivious to what was happening in a delivery room in Texas where beautiful baby girl was born.
The teen's world revolved around her sixth grade perspective~ turning flips in the back yard and trying to make straight A's on her report card.
The spring afternoon did not bring concern of newborns in Texas.
Destiny has it's way of finding you.
Broken Hearts.
Broken families.
Broken lives.
Empty hearts.
And wham!
a parent's love is born!!!!
Thirty-four years ago- my world changed forever and I had no clue.
I didn't get to hold her when she cried.
I didn't even change one diaper.
I never saw her kindergarten graduation.
I didn't take her to her first haircut.
but when she was 15 she became our daughter!
We prayed with her at an altar.
We watched her become a woman of God.
We took her shopping.
We kissed her goodnight.
We were at her highschool graduation.
We drove her to college.
We helped plan her wedding.
I almost missed her wedding giving birth to her sister.... but I made it. :)
So I will stop there.
How blessed am I? (and her dad)
For the full story of our adoption journey please click here.
Join with me in wishing my daughter, Glenda, a very Happy Birthday!!! - On Wednesday!
Love you my sweet beautiful girl!
I am so proud of you! ~And I cannot wait to see you Friday!
(btw- Mackenzie took that picture of Glenda!!! Isn't she a good photographer!)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Forgetting the Past!
Yesterday I blogged again on the potential that God has placed in each of us at the moment of conception.
I have been thinking about this all night, and I want to go a little further on this thought.
As we live life and mature (well, sometimes we mature~ha!), we sometimes begin to forget the dreams we had as a teen or young adult. We think, "Well, I've done so much in the wrong direction that I can never go back."
I want to challenge that thinking today.
Philippians 3:13-14 says, "..... But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize foe which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
I hope you realize how powerful those verses are!
There are several principles involved here.
The first is mentioned in verse 10~ and that is a passion to know Christ with the good and the bad.
The second is a humility to know that "we aren't perfect yet!" from verse 12.
The third, also from verse 12 is the fact that sometimes we have to "press on" regardless of our circumstances, situation or even our feelings.
Next is what I want to get to today: Forget the past!
Just stinking forget it!
It doesn't matter what stupid stuff you ~we~ did.
It doesn't matter how awful it was.
Learn from it ~ and go on.
Now, it is important to mention that the only way you can move forward is in and through Jesus Christ. He is the pre-requisite. You must ask Him to forgive you and live in your life. But after that, go forward.
The very next principle is joined to the forgetting. Paul says, "forgetting what is behind AND straining toward what is ahead."
What an interesting word. In English it suggests discomfort.
Kind of like exercising.
Can anyone say, "UUUUUggggggghhhhh!!!"
I HATE- absolutely HATE to exercise. I know- I must be lazy, but that is my "natural" make up.
But - moving on here- straining also suggests something that doesn't come naturally- something that has to be decided upon and done.
So, forget the mistakes of your past and lets go forward with God has for your life!
If you can, watch my video devotion below. I also talk about how Christ took our shame of those mistakes in our past!
Do I hear anyone saying, "Woooo HOOO!!!?"
So not only do we forget the past and move forward, but we must realize Christ nailed that scorn and shame of those mistakes to the cross! Hebrews 12:2
Let that get in your heart and pump through your veins a minute!
So, girlfriend, hold that head up high, look in the mirror and say,
"I am forgetting my past!
Working on my future!
and laying down my shame!"
You go girl!
love ya!
many blessings to you today!
I have been thinking about this all night, and I want to go a little further on this thought.
As we live life and mature (well, sometimes we mature~ha!), we sometimes begin to forget the dreams we had as a teen or young adult. We think, "Well, I've done so much in the wrong direction that I can never go back."
I want to challenge that thinking today.
Philippians 3:13-14 says, "..... But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize foe which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
I hope you realize how powerful those verses are!
There are several principles involved here.
The first is mentioned in verse 10~ and that is a passion to know Christ with the good and the bad.
The second is a humility to know that "we aren't perfect yet!" from verse 12.
The third, also from verse 12 is the fact that sometimes we have to "press on" regardless of our circumstances, situation or even our feelings.
Next is what I want to get to today: Forget the past!
Just stinking forget it!
It doesn't matter what stupid stuff you ~we~ did.
It doesn't matter how awful it was.
Learn from it ~ and go on.
Now, it is important to mention that the only way you can move forward is in and through Jesus Christ. He is the pre-requisite. You must ask Him to forgive you and live in your life. But after that, go forward.
The very next principle is joined to the forgetting. Paul says, "forgetting what is behind AND straining toward what is ahead."
What an interesting word. In English it suggests discomfort.
Kind of like exercising.
Can anyone say, "UUUUUggggggghhhhh!!!"
I HATE- absolutely HATE to exercise. I know- I must be lazy, but that is my "natural" make up.
But - moving on here- straining also suggests something that doesn't come naturally- something that has to be decided upon and done.
So, forget the mistakes of your past and lets go forward with God has for your life!
If you can, watch my video devotion below. I also talk about how Christ took our shame of those mistakes in our past!
Do I hear anyone saying, "Woooo HOOO!!!?"
So not only do we forget the past and move forward, but we must realize Christ nailed that scorn and shame of those mistakes to the cross! Hebrews 12:2
Let that get in your heart and pump through your veins a minute!
So, girlfriend, hold that head up high, look in the mirror and say,
"I am forgetting my past!
Working on my future!
and laying down my shame!"
You go girl!
love ya!
many blessings to you today!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
God has Placed Potential in You!
God never ceases to amaze me.
Where I am scattered brained and unorganized, HE has a divine plan for even the smallest of details!
Rusty and I did a baby dedication Sunday. He held the beautiful baby girl in his arms and said, "God has placed potential inside of you."
When we were conceived, God placed inside EACH of us the potential we needed for LIFE!
Did ya get that?!
At conception, He placed your DNA in you for everything you would need in life.
Isaiah 46:3,4 says,
" whome I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even to you old age and gray hairs. I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you!"
Did you get all that?
He not only knows where you are right now, He has CONTINUED to uphold you SINCE you were conceived!
(How's that for a pro-life message?!)
Anyway, even to our old age and gray hairs (that we cover up with stuff in a bottle!), He has a plan for us and sustains us for that plan!
So, if He put the potential inside of us~ and He is sustaining us...or keeping that potential,
if we are not living UP to that potential, what is wrong?
I would say it would be in our decisions.
Decisions Determine Destiny
First of all ~
Have you made the Decision to accept Christ as your Savior?
Have you made the Decision to submit daily to HIS will for your life?
When we do those two very important things, then we are on the right track to ~
Living up to the Potential He has placed inside of us!
I pray this word ministers to your heart today!
Below is my video devotion for this same scripture.
Have a blessed day!
Where I am scattered brained and unorganized, HE has a divine plan for even the smallest of details!
Rusty and I did a baby dedication Sunday. He held the beautiful baby girl in his arms and said, "God has placed potential inside of you."
When we were conceived, God placed inside EACH of us the potential we needed for LIFE!
Did ya get that?!
At conception, He placed your DNA in you for everything you would need in life.
Isaiah 46:3,4 says,
" whome I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even to you old age and gray hairs. I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you!"
Did you get all that?
He not only knows where you are right now, He has CONTINUED to uphold you SINCE you were conceived!
(How's that for a pro-life message?!)
Anyway, even to our old age and gray hairs (that we cover up with stuff in a bottle!), He has a plan for us and sustains us for that plan!
So, if He put the potential inside of us~ and He is sustaining us...or keeping that potential,
if we are not living UP to that potential, what is wrong?
I would say it would be in our decisions.
Decisions Determine Destiny
First of all ~
Have you made the Decision to accept Christ as your Savior?
Have you made the Decision to submit daily to HIS will for your life?
When we do those two very important things, then we are on the right track to ~
Living up to the Potential He has placed inside of us!
I pray this word ministers to your heart today!
Below is my video devotion for this same scripture.
Have a blessed day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Daily Video Devotion
Good Morning!
The title says "Daily Video Devotion"- but if you know me.... daily will be stretching it! :)
So, we will go day by day and see how this works!
I am stretching myself and trying very hard to be obedient to all that God wants me to do!
Now, Mary Beth, my friend from CBC tells me I can imbed the facebook video on my blog thing here.....
so..... let me see if this brown haired (graying brown) blonde at heart girl can figure out how to "imbed" a facebook video on her blog. If you see the video - you know I succeeded.
If you don't see a video, then know that I am screaming, "Ruuuuuuuussssssttttyyyyyyyyy!"
The title says "Daily Video Devotion"- but if you know me.... daily will be stretching it! :)
So, we will go day by day and see how this works!
I am stretching myself and trying very hard to be obedient to all that God wants me to do!
Now, Mary Beth, my friend from CBC tells me I can imbed the facebook video on my blog thing here.....
so..... let me see if this brown haired (graying brown) blonde at heart girl can figure out how to "imbed" a facebook video on her blog. If you see the video - you know I succeeded.
If you don't see a video, then know that I am screaming, "Ruuuuuuuussssssttttyyyyyyyyy!"
Friday, March 13, 2009
Video Devotion
Ok... I am venturing out into new territory.
Today I posted my first video devotion on facebook.
Just something God has been dealing with me about~ so join me on facebook for my
and turn in your Bible to Jeremiah 29:11.....
Today I posted my first video devotion on facebook.
Just something God has been dealing with me about~ so join me on facebook for my
and turn in your Bible to Jeremiah 29:11.....
In a Moment: Crisis in the Congo
This week Fiction Friday is hosted by Rhonda over at Beach Reads. Stop by to read more Friday Fiction. We would love for you to join in!
He held her extra long.
My how he loved her. He never wanted to take for granted the gift God had given him through her~ and now their two small children..
As his lips met hers, he felt little tugs at his trousers. "Papa! Papa! Me too!"
They chuckled and both reached down to grab the toddler.
Even in the midst of terror, chaos, and confusion, God was good to give them moments like this. Moments that gave them a feeling of normalcy.
Moments of feeling safe.
Moments that pointed to the truth.
They changed so quickly these days.
It seemed a moment ago, that he was in the war also~ confused, angry, and vengeful.
Then he met her.
Her smile.
Her peace.
Her beautiful dark skin.
She had something he didn't.
He followed her around like one of the hungry dogs outside of their village.
She gracefully left him "crumbs" of her happiness that kept him begging for more.

Then he met HIM.
Shafts of light, joy, and radiant love exploded in his soul.
Jesus had changed everything.
And Nakir. Nakir introduced him to Jesus. Jesus introduced him to forgiveness and love.
Jesus was the reason he left the war.
No more senseless killing to avenge his father's death.
No more fear.
No more hatred.
In a moment Jesus changed everything.
In a moment Jesus gave him the ability to love his beloved Nakir with an everlasting love.
And now their small children..... Jamir, their four year old daughter had a fever so Nakir and Booma, their toddler son, would not go with him tonight.
Nakir would pray from their hut.
Prayer. Their warfare.
Tonight, instead of planning a vigilante raid on the neighboring village, Taamah would launch a very different raid with fellow believers.
Tonight Taamah and his brothers and sisters in the Lord would join together in prayer and intercession for the genocide to stop.
Peace talks had failed.
Treaty's trampled on.
Tonight was time to engage in the most important warfare.
Taamah checked in on Jamir and kissed her hot forehead.
One more kiss for his beloved Nakir and a jostle for his rambunctious Booma.
He looked into Nakir's eyes and as was his habit, he declared his love for her until the end of time.
She smiled and watched him all the way to the end of the path.
Taamah walked into the little church.
A few were already there.
The mood was somber. Another family lost their lives in a sister village.
When would the killings stop!?
Were Christians around the world praying for them or were they calloused to hearing of the wars in Africa?
Within minutes, the little straw roofed church was filled to capacity.
There was no formal introduction.
Each member knew the gravity of the situation, so their "warfare" began immediately.
Soon, the groans of deep intercession could even be heard outside.
The believers called upon their God to stop the war, to stop the murders, to stop the senseless killing of the millions.
Taamah asked God to open the eyes of believers around the world to the plight of his people.
Would God please place a burden for his fellow Assembly of God family to agree with him and his family that the hatred would stop, that the evil would cease and that the Congo would be draped in a heavenly peace.
The prayers were no longer muffled moans of intercession.
The huddled group was wailing. The intensity of their intercession was a chorus of moans and declarations.
The devoted believers never heard the footsteps outside the church.
They never felt the hatred for their prayers.
They never saw the torches lighting the perimeter of the building.
In a moment, their world changed.
Before any believer even sensed the danger, it was too late.
Hatred put another notch in its murderous belt.
A sister screamed as she realized their plight. There was no escape. Their prayer meeting would conclude at the very throne room of heaven itself.
Those filled with hate stood just outside the clearing to watch the flames lick up every last stick of the building~ and with it every living soul inside.
They expected to hear screams of horror and anguish as they lost their lives and were burned alive.
Instead, they heard a joyful celebration in song.
The people burning alive in the church were singing "Victory in Jesus".
One chorus of praise and jubilation.
The smoke rose to the sky.
The putrid smell of burning flesh burned their nostrils.
And in a moment it was done.
The church was gone.
The people were gone.
.....but their hatred lived on.
Never satisfied.
They thirsted for more blood to shed.
6 million wasn't enough.
They walked away, empty yet full of evil.
They walked within a hundred feet of Nakir and her children.
She smelled the smoke.
Saw the flame.
..........and waited for Taamah to come home.
She watched the empty path until the wee hours of the morning.
But Taamah was already HOME.
Grief washed over her soul as her tears washed her cheeks.
It wouldn't be long until the killers found her little hut.
She would take her children and a few essentials and live in the jungle until.......
until the elements or wild animals took them or until.....
Taamah's prayers were heard and the brothers and sisters across the world woke up to pray for the killing to stop.
would that moment ever come?
Will the church be stirred to pray for the Congo?
Will the church realize that 6 million have died in genocide that has been unprecedented throughout the ages?
Will the church pray today as they live in security and safety?
or will the church be comfortable and cozy and pray about their big buildings and pray about finances?
In a moment.....
this could be you.
This is fictional account of a true event. Assembly of God believers gathered for a prayer service and all were burned alive. It is not known how many were inside. But murderous events like this happen every day in the Congo.
More people have been killed than those in Rwanda and the Sudan combined.
It is a present day holocaust ~ and like the first one~ the West has remained silent.
Our governments may not intervene, but we as believers can and must INTERCEDE.
Please click here for more information of the Crisis in the Congo.
Will you pray with me today?
In a moment......
tis could be us.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
God has a Huge Sense of Humor!
God is amazing, holy and incredibly funny!
Some people picture Him as this cranky divinity up in heaven just waiting to be ticked off so He can fry a few "mortals" with a lightening bolt.
The Word of God portrays Him as He really is: loving, just, holy, and humorous!
Say what?/??? - you ask....
Well, if you are a student of the Bible, do you recall~
a donkey talking to a stubborn man?
a Pharoah choosing to wait 24 hours to be relieved of great discomfort from frogs?
an idol laying prostrate in front of the ark of the covenant?
a shepherd boy being chosen instead of his big, strong brother as a warrior and king?
a shepherd boy dressed in King's armor?
a shepherd boy killing a giant with a sling shot?
and~ What about the incidents in your life where you KNOW God was at work, but after it was all said and done it was rather hilarious??
Like how we say, "I will NEVER do that!" - and then we find ourselves, upon complete submission to HIS will, doing the thing we NEVER would have done.
Or.... how He uses our complete inabilities to turn around and do something for HIS glory.
I just find God incredibly amusing.
I don't always understand WHAT He is up to. But, hey~ He sure doesn't need to ask for my approval before acting in His sovereignty. (Can we all say, "Thank. You. Je-sus!")
He is God.
He is All Wise.
He is All Knowing.
And I choose to TRUST in Him.
and that's something I have to choose daily.
or else, I kind of mess up.
well..... it's not "kind of, it's largely.
if you know what I mean.
So, relax. Let God be God.
Let Him have control.
And for heaven's sakes,
Learn to Laugh a little!
Some people picture Him as this cranky divinity up in heaven just waiting to be ticked off so He can fry a few "mortals" with a lightening bolt.
The Word of God portrays Him as He really is: loving, just, holy, and humorous!
Say what?/??? - you ask....
Well, if you are a student of the Bible, do you recall~
a donkey talking to a stubborn man?
a Pharoah choosing to wait 24 hours to be relieved of great discomfort from frogs?
an idol laying prostrate in front of the ark of the covenant?
a shepherd boy being chosen instead of his big, strong brother as a warrior and king?
a shepherd boy dressed in King's armor?
a shepherd boy killing a giant with a sling shot?
and~ What about the incidents in your life where you KNOW God was at work, but after it was all said and done it was rather hilarious??
Like how we say, "I will NEVER do that!" - and then we find ourselves, upon complete submission to HIS will, doing the thing we NEVER would have done.
Or.... how He uses our complete inabilities to turn around and do something for HIS glory.
I just find God incredibly amusing.
I don't always understand WHAT He is up to. But, hey~ He sure doesn't need to ask for my approval before acting in His sovereignty. (Can we all say, "Thank. You. Je-sus!")
He is God.
He is All Wise.
He is All Knowing.
And I choose to TRUST in Him.
and that's something I have to choose daily.
or else, I kind of mess up.
well..... it's not "kind of, it's largely.
if you know what I mean.
So, relax. Let God be God.
Let Him have control.
And for heaven's sakes,
Learn to Laugh a little!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Triple D!
Once again, God has challenged me- my way of thinking, my processing, my everything.
Just when I think I have a handle on being and doing all that God wants of me, He challenges me a little more.
That'll teach me to get all comfy and cozy with where I am! :)
But you see, God loves me enough to not leave me the way I am....
Thank God!
Because~ I may think I'm getting "good" enough (not really- but I act like it sometimes!)- but what does Isaiah say???? something about filthy rags???
Anyway, I was at a service tonight where our District Superintendent preached a powerful message. In it, he made one little statement that I couldn't get past.
Decisions Determine Destiny.
I wrote at the top of my notes: Triple D
my Decisions
my Destiny.
So, what decisions have I been making for my destiny - you know that one that affects my husband, my children, my grandchildren and my church....????
Well, let's see.
I read my Bible.
good for me!
I pray.
whoop ti doo!
I go to church.
I do my ministry.
impressed yet? (didn't think so)
I blog.
oh, wow! (I know- still not impressive)
I.... live my life for Him.
(I'm getting somewhere... maybe)
There is a song that plays a lot on the radio these days- by Matthew West. It's called The Motions.
The words say something like this~
I don't want go through the motions.
I don't want to go one more day,
Without your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't want to spend my whole life asking, "What if I had given everything?"
~Instead of going through the motions.
I want to live my life giving EVERYTHING!
I want to maximize the Triple D-
Decisions Determine Destiny!
I have a choice in this matter.
I can make HIS decisions.
I can make mine.
Which one do I choose today??
Which ones do I choose tomorrow?
The decisions I make today, determine where I will be tomorrow.
Jesus help me in everything!
I want His all consuming passion inside of me!
What about you?
Going through the motions?
Just when I think I have a handle on being and doing all that God wants of me, He challenges me a little more.
That'll teach me to get all comfy and cozy with where I am! :)
But you see, God loves me enough to not leave me the way I am....
Thank God!
Because~ I may think I'm getting "good" enough (not really- but I act like it sometimes!)- but what does Isaiah say???? something about filthy rags???
Anyway, I was at a service tonight where our District Superintendent preached a powerful message. In it, he made one little statement that I couldn't get past.
Decisions Determine Destiny.
I wrote at the top of my notes: Triple D
my Decisions
my Destiny.
So, what decisions have I been making for my destiny - you know that one that affects my husband, my children, my grandchildren and my church....????
Well, let's see.
I read my Bible.
good for me!
I pray.
whoop ti doo!
I go to church.
I do my ministry.
impressed yet? (didn't think so)
I blog.
oh, wow! (I know- still not impressive)
I.... live my life for Him.
(I'm getting somewhere... maybe)
There is a song that plays a lot on the radio these days- by Matthew West. It's called The Motions.
The words say something like this~
I don't want go through the motions.
I don't want to go one more day,
Without your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't want to spend my whole life asking, "What if I had given everything?"
~Instead of going through the motions.
I want to live my life giving EVERYTHING!
I want to maximize the Triple D-
Decisions Determine Destiny!
I have a choice in this matter.
I can make HIS decisions.
I can make mine.
Which one do I choose today??
Which ones do I choose tomorrow?
The decisions I make today, determine where I will be tomorrow.
Jesus help me in everything!
I want His all consuming passion inside of me!
What about you?
Going through the motions?
Monday, March 9, 2009
I have lots of thoughts and emotions going on in my little head today.
I went to the funeral of a wonderful woman of God. She impacted so many around her.
The same thoughts plague my mind as they did after Bro. Frank Cavitt's service.
Her passing leaves such a gap in our church, in our lives. I wonder- will we be able to fill her shoes? Will her ministries carry on?
Then I look at my life and think,
Am I giving everything? If I were to go to heaven today, how many people would meet me inside the gates of heaven to say, "Thank you for leading me here."?
Tough questions.
I have much to do, much to share, and much to write.
Ruby Morgan was one of those women that quietly strengthened your faith and your commitment. Her life challenges my ministry and my work ethic.
I must admit- I am a better person because I had the privilege of knowing Ruby Morgan.
I went to the funeral of a wonderful woman of God. She impacted so many around her.
The same thoughts plague my mind as they did after Bro. Frank Cavitt's service.
Her passing leaves such a gap in our church, in our lives. I wonder- will we be able to fill her shoes? Will her ministries carry on?
Then I look at my life and think,
Am I giving everything? If I were to go to heaven today, how many people would meet me inside the gates of heaven to say, "Thank you for leading me here."?
Tough questions.
I have much to do, much to share, and much to write.
Ruby Morgan was one of those women that quietly strengthened your faith and your commitment. Her life challenges my ministry and my work ethic.
I must admit- I am a better person because I had the privilege of knowing Ruby Morgan.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Dog Stinks!
We have this incredibly smart dog. Her name is Sasha and she is a cute little Maltese. (She is a sister to Jennifer's dog, Biscuit.)
You have to understand our family history of pets.
We are NOT pet people. In the past, if a pet came to live at the Blann home, it was a death sentence. Something always happened to them. We are not cruel or negligent- but things just always happened.
Then several years ago, after the incessant begging of our children, we bought Sasha.
She was our first house dog.
She was the first dog we ever trained.
She is the first pet to make her way into our hearts.
But today, she stinks.
So, no one really wants to love on her.
Or play with her.
Or give her the attention she is used to.
She is so smart that she knows she needs a bath.
Every time I get my keys, she looks at me like, "Am I going to get my hair done today?"
She knows.
So, today, when I leave the house, Sasha will look at me, her tail will way, and then I will say the words that will thrill her little dog life.
"Come on, girl!"
She will dance in circles and bark and probably leak a little.
Then I will take her to the groomers for her beauty appointment.
When she gets back home, the first thing she will do is prance or strut to my room.
Because she knows after her bath, she can sit at the foot of my bed.
She has privileges because she doesn't stink anymore.
We will love on her.
We will play with her.
We will sit by her.
We will lavish all the attention on her that she is used to.
She will be clean.
I am so glad that God is not like us!
He doesn't wait for us to get all clean and smelling better before He lavishes His unconditional love on us!
He takes us just as we are. He accepts us and snuggles up to us- just as we are.
The difference is, just being in His presence gives us the desire to be clean.
His Holiness shows us our filthiness.
Sin He cannot associate with, but He takes us faults and all into His presence.
He washes us clean with precious blood of Jesus.
He daily cleanses us with the Word.
So when you think about God, know that He doesn't expect you to be perfect to draw near to Him. Just run to Him! He will meet you. Then He helps you with all that dirt, filth, and stink.
He is a Good God.
I just had to come back after posting this!
It is so funny! I just read Jennifer's blog. She talks about her sweet Maltese, Biscuit.
Now, she, my friends, is a GOOD dog person.
Shame on me!
Sasha is loved - but she doesn't get the priority attention her big sister does. :(
I would dare say that Biscuit has never stunk! Poor, poor Sasha.
But she will be clean soon!!!!
You have to understand our family history of pets.
We are NOT pet people. In the past, if a pet came to live at the Blann home, it was a death sentence. Something always happened to them. We are not cruel or negligent- but things just always happened.
Then several years ago, after the incessant begging of our children, we bought Sasha.
She was our first house dog.
She was the first dog we ever trained.
She is the first pet to make her way into our hearts.
But today, she stinks.
So, no one really wants to love on her.
Or play with her.
Or give her the attention she is used to.
She is so smart that she knows she needs a bath.
Every time I get my keys, she looks at me like, "Am I going to get my hair done today?"
She knows.
So, today, when I leave the house, Sasha will look at me, her tail will way, and then I will say the words that will thrill her little dog life.
"Come on, girl!"
She will dance in circles and bark and probably leak a little.
Then I will take her to the groomers for her beauty appointment.
When she gets back home, the first thing she will do is prance or strut to my room.
Because she knows after her bath, she can sit at the foot of my bed.
She has privileges because she doesn't stink anymore.
We will love on her.
We will play with her.
We will sit by her.
We will lavish all the attention on her that she is used to.
She will be clean.
I am so glad that God is not like us!
He doesn't wait for us to get all clean and smelling better before He lavishes His unconditional love on us!
He takes us just as we are. He accepts us and snuggles up to us- just as we are.
The difference is, just being in His presence gives us the desire to be clean.
His Holiness shows us our filthiness.
Sin He cannot associate with, but He takes us faults and all into His presence.
He washes us clean with precious blood of Jesus.
He daily cleanses us with the Word.
So when you think about God, know that He doesn't expect you to be perfect to draw near to Him. Just run to Him! He will meet you. Then He helps you with all that dirt, filth, and stink.
He is a Good God.
I just had to come back after posting this!
It is so funny! I just read Jennifer's blog. She talks about her sweet Maltese, Biscuit.
Now, she, my friends, is a GOOD dog person.
Shame on me!
Sasha is loved - but she doesn't get the priority attention her big sister does. :(
I would dare say that Biscuit has never stunk! Poor, poor Sasha.
But she will be clean soon!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Keeping Your Dream Alive!
My favorite preacher/pastor/teacher in the whole world has inspired me in the past week.
I have had a dream for a long time, but have no idea how it will come about or even how to make it come to pass.
So, periodically, the dream starts to fade into the oblivion of "to-do lists and priority tasks".
In the past two months, the dream started to fade again.
Then, this awesome, wonderful man of God (My husband -btw) preached Sunday night and again Tuesday morning right into my spirit.
So, last night on the way to our son's ballgame (my 5th sport this school year to mom-cheer), we brainstormed about how to not only keep the dream alive, but how to bring it to pass.
I said all of that to say this: WE all have dreams that God has placed in our hearts.
If we are not careful, we begin to listen to the enemy of our souls.
The enemy says,
"That's just you.
You can't do that.
Who do you think you are?
God would never ask you to do that.
You can never accomplish that!"
And after time, after "listening" to the enemies lies for so long, we begin to believe them.
But GOD- waits patiently.
He knows HIS time.
He knows HIS purpose.
He knows HIS special abilities He has placed IN you! (Eph 4:7)
He knows HIS special tasks He has set aside just for you! (1 Cor. 3:5)
I know I have blogged on this before, but I think I need to remind myself AGAIN- and maybe some of you.....
Isn't it a little arrogant of us to think we know better than God?
Isn't it the ultimate "false humility" to think that God's gift He placed in us isn't as good as HE says it is?
Oh, my... I am preaching to myself.
Who am I to think that I can do anything in and of myself anyway?
Everything that I CAN do is from God anyway!
So, my prayer is.....
Thank you God for what you have called me to do.
Thank you Lord for what you have gifted me to do.
May I submissively obey you in all areas of my life - especially the small things, so I will be ready to accomplish any big thing you have for me- for YOUR Glory.
Use me! Fill me up with You! Empty me of me- so I can be filled with YOU!
What's your dream?
What are you doing today to bring it to pass?
blessings to each of you!
I have had a dream for a long time, but have no idea how it will come about or even how to make it come to pass.
So, periodically, the dream starts to fade into the oblivion of "to-do lists and priority tasks".
In the past two months, the dream started to fade again.
Then, this awesome, wonderful man of God (My husband -btw) preached Sunday night and again Tuesday morning right into my spirit.
So, last night on the way to our son's ballgame (my 5th sport this school year to mom-cheer), we brainstormed about how to not only keep the dream alive, but how to bring it to pass.
I said all of that to say this: WE all have dreams that God has placed in our hearts.
If we are not careful, we begin to listen to the enemy of our souls.
The enemy says,
"That's just you.
You can't do that.
Who do you think you are?
God would never ask you to do that.
You can never accomplish that!"
And after time, after "listening" to the enemies lies for so long, we begin to believe them.
But GOD- waits patiently.
He knows HIS time.
He knows HIS purpose.
He knows HIS special abilities He has placed IN you! (Eph 4:7)
He knows HIS special tasks He has set aside just for you! (1 Cor. 3:5)
I know I have blogged on this before, but I think I need to remind myself AGAIN- and maybe some of you.....
Isn't it a little arrogant of us to think we know better than God?
Isn't it the ultimate "false humility" to think that God's gift He placed in us isn't as good as HE says it is?
Oh, my... I am preaching to myself.
Who am I to think that I can do anything in and of myself anyway?
Everything that I CAN do is from God anyway!
So, my prayer is.....
Thank you God for what you have called me to do.
Thank you Lord for what you have gifted me to do.
May I submissively obey you in all areas of my life - especially the small things, so I will be ready to accomplish any big thing you have for me- for YOUR Glory.
Use me! Fill me up with You! Empty me of me- so I can be filled with YOU!
What's your dream?
What are you doing today to bring it to pass?
blessings to each of you!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
In the Swing of Things
Wow! Getting back into the swing of things after a week of TOTAL relaxation is rather difficult.
I keep looking for the little guy to come clean my room.....
And as my friend Melanie texted me the other night.... "I CAN'T FIND THE BUFFET!"
Cooking and cleaning and taxi cab driving is back in full force - but my brain is still jello! It's like I am walking around in a daze.... "Now, what is it I'm supposed to be doing?"
But non-the-less, we are surviving. And it is good!
As I was looking back over my pictures, -the ones of other people sun bathing - :) I thought about laying out on the beach.
The sun felt so warm and cozy- not too hot, and definitely not cold. The breeze was just perfect. Right about the time we would start to get uncomfortably warm, a gentle breeze would stir and it felt like cool satin on our tanning hides.
But as the day progressed, we would re-position our chairs to follow the sun so our "tans" would be even. Every thirty minutes or so we would turn a few more degrees west.
The thought hit me, "it's kind of like that in our walk with God." To stay in His warmth and His rays, we need to move as He moves. Sometimes we act like God is never going to do anything different. We just sit in the SONshine, basking in His presence, but we don't move when He moves.
What happens? We get unbalanced in our evidence of being in His presence. Sun tanned on one side but not the other.
We have to re-position ourselves to make sure we are constantly aligned directly - centered - with Him.
Does that make sense to you? If you don't move, it doesn't mean you are not a Christian. It just means that you are not allowing yourself to be "even" under His rays.
I don't know about you but I don't want to have a streaked "tan" when it comes to my relationship with Christ.
"Lord, help me to move when you do. Help me to align myself front and center in your perfect will and to be balanced in all I do."
I pray you have a wonderful day basking in His glorious presence - and get an even "tan"!
I keep looking for the little guy to come clean my room.....
And as my friend Melanie texted me the other night.... "I CAN'T FIND THE BUFFET!"
Cooking and cleaning and taxi cab driving is back in full force - but my brain is still jello! It's like I am walking around in a daze.... "Now, what is it I'm supposed to be doing?"
But non-the-less, we are surviving. And it is good!
As I was looking back over my pictures, -the ones of other people sun bathing - :) I thought about laying out on the beach.
The sun felt so warm and cozy- not too hot, and definitely not cold. The breeze was just perfect. Right about the time we would start to get uncomfortably warm, a gentle breeze would stir and it felt like cool satin on our tanning hides.
But as the day progressed, we would re-position our chairs to follow the sun so our "tans" would be even. Every thirty minutes or so we would turn a few more degrees west.
The thought hit me, "it's kind of like that in our walk with God." To stay in His warmth and His rays, we need to move as He moves. Sometimes we act like God is never going to do anything different. We just sit in the SONshine, basking in His presence, but we don't move when He moves.
What happens? We get unbalanced in our evidence of being in His presence. Sun tanned on one side but not the other.
We have to re-position ourselves to make sure we are constantly aligned directly - centered - with Him.
Does that make sense to you? If you don't move, it doesn't mean you are not a Christian. It just means that you are not allowing yourself to be "even" under His rays.
I don't know about you but I don't want to have a streaked "tan" when it comes to my relationship with Christ.
"Lord, help me to move when you do. Help me to align myself front and center in your perfect will and to be balanced in all I do."
I pray you have a wonderful day basking in His glorious presence - and get an even "tan"!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'm Ba-ack!
Wow! Before last week, my husband and I had never been on a cruise! - What were we thinking?????
To celebrate our 25 years of marriage we decided to take a cruise rather than the mucho grande trip to Europe we had always planned.
I do believe we made the right decision!
No phone.
No dishes.
No cooking.
No laundry.
And not even a bunch of sight seeing. Just 2 shore excursions that were VERY laid back and included beaches and sunshine and siestas!
Just pure total relaxation and pampering.
We laughed and laughed like a bunch of school kids!
I have to say that being married to Rusty Blann for 25 years has been a blessing I cannot even begin to describe. He is my best friend and my soul mate~ and he is a man of integrity, character, wisdom and compassion. I am a MUCH better person because of his influence in my life. I am blessed beyond measure.
I have to say that being married to Rusty Blann for 25 years has been a blessing I cannot even begin to describe. He is my best friend and my soul mate~ and he is a man of integrity, character, wisdom and compassion. I am a MUCH better person because of his influence in my life. I am blessed beyond measure.
I look forward to spending my next 25 years by his side - and on into eternity!
After being on a cruise ship for a week, I have decided that I like THAT life - you know- the lazy life:
Cabin stewards to make your bed, clean your room and awaiting your beckon and call.
Waiters and deck stewards to bring you a cool beverage (diet coke and water) whenever you decide you are thirsty.
24 Hour buffet and food service! (Can you say POUNDS?)
Then, reality slapped us in the face. :0)
A good reality - and my reality.....
Freezing temperatures and snow!
Dishes in the sink.
Mountains of laundry.
Hyper kids. (Love this one!)
and - I had to fix my own diet coke! ha!
The fact is - it was good to get away with my husband for some great relaxation.
The better fact is - I love my life and was VERY glad to get back to reality - even if it means I am now the cabin steward, cook, and laundry girl. I love my life and wouldn't change a thing - except maybe I would add more sunshine. :0)
May you love your life and enjoy all the blessings God has for you by plunging into His abundant and extravagant grace and forgiveness!
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