This blog was created with the hopes of helping women discover the treasures within themselves and God's Word. ...And it has a become a platform for me to share these truths through my stories.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Learning to Dance....
Monday, September 20, 2010
Not Willing..... That ANY..... should perish.
I am amazed that a 17 year old, (who gave up the chance for summer cash to spend his summer for missions and ministry; who declined playing football this year to spend more time on video ministry) could put something like this together in one afternoon. The anointing of God is on this video ~ and I am very, VERY proud of my child.
So......let me know what you think!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Eye Witness Account
I was about 20-30 feet from an intersection when I saw out of the corner of my eye, a vehicle that was not slowing down for the stop sign.
From that second on I felt like I was in some type of slow motion movie where sounds are muted and everyone and everything is moving in slow motion with very exaggerated movements and facial contortions.
I saw (but do not remember hearing) the two SUVs collide. The one that was hit, flew into the air several feet (in a movie like slow motion pace - it seems) and then landed on its side.
I pulled my vehicle over and grabbed my phone to dial 911.
If you know me, you know that I am a hyper type person. I get excited and animated- easily. (I don't like that about me, but I've tried to change it and I can't.) Well, I was so rattled, I couldn't dial 9-1-1. I kept hitting 9-1-2 or 9-2-2.
By this time I was on the side walk wondering what to do. Then I saw the billows of smoke coming out of the vehicle that was on its side. My thought was- "get back~ this car is about to explode!"
Then, someone "unmuted" the sound in my head.
I heard a baby screaming. I can still hear the baby screaming.
My heart starting pounding in my ears and my hands started shaking more than they were when I was trying to dial 9-1-1.
I still felt like I was in a quagmire of slow motion force field. I moved, but not fast enough. I heard a man screaming and then I saw the blood. Another eye witness across the street had called 9-1-1.
My heart felt like it was going to stop beating. There wasn't just a little blood. It was pouring out of the driver's side window, that was face to face with the concrete, almost like someone was pouring soda out of a can. I ran to the back hatch to try to open it. It wouldn't budge. The doors were all caved in or blocked (the suv was on it's side). I was praying to Jesus to help me open the doors. The smoke kept billowing and the screams kept screaming.
When I came back around the vehicle a man had run up and was trying to get the kids also. He climbed on top of the vehicle, which was actually the passenger side. Where the other vehicle had hit this one, the back door had caved enough for him to slide down into. After frantically working with the car seat he got the first baby out and handed her to me.
It was then we heard the second set of cries! There was another baby in the car.
By that time, other people we coming to help.
I was worried about the daddy who was bleeding so badly. He was in shock, but had enough wits to realize we were worried about the car blowing up and knew his babies were in the vehicle. He shouted, "There's two! Get the girls!" I assured him we had both girls but encouraged him to put pressure where ever he was bleeding from. I kept talking to him while the man worked on getting to the other baby.
Our wonderful Police Chief pulled up by then (off duty, I might add. He's an extra miler.). The ambulance, squad cars and fire trucks were arriving. I never remember hearing a siren.
The professionals got the man out of the vehicle. His babies still crying, but in good hands with by standers. By this time I realized the car was not going to explode. It was just smoking from being hit. Every thing was under control and I stood there taking in the reality of what I had just witnessed~ all in muted silence. The world was in action around me and I was in a strange silent bubble.
(To make a long story short, the babies were fine, the other vehicle was fine, and I believe the dad will be ok. He did loose a lot of blood and will probably have to have several surgeries on his arm and leg.)
It wasn't until about an hour later that I emerged from the slow motion time warp thing and heard sounds and the same time I saw the action.
I'm still hearing the sounds.
The babies' screams.
The man's cries.
I'm still seeing the sights.
The blood.
The baby shoes and bottle in the street.
By no means do I want to sensationalize an accident by blogging about it, but I am trying to process this.
After giving my statement, my vehicle was cornered in by several squad cars, ambulances and fire trucks, so I just stood there.
I noticed the little things.
~ The woman who ran the stop sign was in a dazed shock.
~ The light on her front fender was dangling and swinging- still.
~ The crimson trickle running down the street.
~ The pacifier on it's side in the red stuff.
~ The baby croc shoe - turquoise blue with little brown fur inside.
~ The pale skin of the man who had lost so much blood.
~ The swift confidence and professionalism of the civil servants involved.
I noticed the big things.
~ No one lost their life.
~ God has plans for all those babies involved. Their lives are precious to Him.
~ I was glad I had hugged and kissed my family that morning. There was a few seconds in the mayhem that I was not sure I would see them again in this life.
Today, I've made a mental note of the things I have learned:
~ Seat belts are important!
~Car seats ARE essential!
~Loose objects in a vehicle can be life threatening if in a wreck. The babies had a few bruises from flying objects.
~I.C.E. numbers should be in phones, diaper bags, purses, and glove boxes etc.
~Always be cautious. Even in the residential areas~ accidents- not just fender benders - do happen.
~ Eternity can be a second away. Choose now where you want to spend it!
~Take each moment you are given and never miss an opportunity to hug and kiss your family.
~Pray over your loved ones.
~Ask God to spare you from ever taking someone else's life.
Thanks for letting me process this. I am thankful for God's hand of protection, but you know what? I am also thankful for His sovereignty. He is a Faithful God!
Please make sure you make things right with Him ~ now.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Imperfect but Priceless to a Perfect God
Please visit her blog and read her testimony of the compelling love of God in her life.
He will do the same for you!
Click here to read her testimony.
blessings to you today!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
He is my Everything!
He is the Word of God!
John 1:1
He is the Truth!
John 14:6
He is the Way!
John 14:6
He is the Life!
John 14:6
He is my everything!
This morning, I just needed Him to speak to me. Physically I just wasn't feeling 100%. I have mounds of work to do and there are some projects looming in my future that, quite honestly, I cannot do on my own.
I needed Him to breathe His presence, His Word, His Life, His Way, His Truth into my soul. I needed to rest in WHO He is.
I got the kids to school. Returned home and sat in the recliner and simply said, "Jesus, I need You."
I opened my Word and there He was! He spoke to my heart with such peace and strength. He encouraged my with such guidance.
I can't say it enough~
I don't want to spend a day without Him.
I don't want to take a breath without Him.
I need Him in every aspect of my life~ my wants, my desires, my needs, my dreams, my goals, my hopes, my fears.
He is my everything.
That's it. There's nothing more.
May He be YOUR everything!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Everything I Need
The "meat" is so delicious and my soul has been craving just that!
Yesterday was one of those times.
It wasn't a large meal by any means, but God just spoke to me VOLUMES in one sentence of His Word, in one "bite", if you will.
2 Thessalonians 1:2 from the Message says, "Our God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you're to be."
That's it.
But, WOW!
I needed that Word from Him at that moment.
God's like that. He knows everything about us~ our strengths and our weaknesses. He even knows our shortcomings before we do.
He prepares us for the times He knows we are going to make a wrong choice. He "gives us EVERYTHING we need".
The times my world is in chaos swirling around me, He has the peace I need.
When life has assaulted me with blows and pelted me with hardships, He has the strength I need to get up and stand in Him.
When the thief of circumstance comes to rob me of my joy, He is there giving me that joy that only He can give.
I could go on and on!
He gives me EVERYTHING I need!
Not only that!~ He makes me everything I'm to be. ~ He makes you everything you're to be!
Do you understand how powerful this is for our lives?
I, we, just have to let Him work in our lives!
Lord, I yield myself to You today! Make me what You have purposed and planned for me to be!
Help me, every second with every breath to yield completely to Your plan, Your destiny for my life!
Paul goes on in 2 Thessalonians 1 to pray for the Thessalonians:
verse 11~ " I pray that our God will make you fit for what He's call you to be, pray that He'll fill your good ideas and acts of faith with His own energy so that it all amounts to something."
Today, I am praying that for each of you.
Yesterday, I talked to a dear friend who was heartbroken. Her plans and goals she had worked so hard for had fallen through. As tears streamed down her face she confessed, "I know God is going to work this out for His good and His purpose." And she smiled a beautiful smile through her tears.
I could just see God in heaven beaming with pride over His daughter trusting Him with her life. He will do just that ~ work this situation in her life for His good and her good. I am excited to see how He will turn this heartbreak and disappointment into one of the greatest successes in her life! Everything she has been working for has been to share His love with other people, so He must have awesome plans for her to change these plans so abruptly mid stream!
God is amazing and endless in His love for us!
It is my prayer today that YOU KNOW HIM intimately! I pray you ALLOW Him to give you everything you need. I pray you allow Him to make you everything you are to be!
love you all!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I will Run to You!
I will run to You!
That's all I can remember of the song right now, but that's all I need.
It's my life song.
I see my emotions, my feelings, my thoughts, my struggles as a video in my head.
Maybe I can describe it:
The battle scene is grim. It's black and white and the sad music is playing. There are explosions everywhere. The wounded walk through the clouds of smoke with a sorrow that is unexplainable in their eyes. They walk away from the battle. Many carry a loved on in their arms. Their grief beyond tears.
The smell is there. The aroma a death. Putrid. Sulfuric. Rotten.
I look around and see it in slow motion.
This isn't how it is supposed to be!
Where are the warriors?
Why are the walking away in defeat?
In the distance, I see a flash of light.
Sickness grips my stomach - is it another wave of attacks?
I see it again.
What is it?
But this time, I feel something.
A stir of hope.
I hear something.
A battle cry!
The enemy tanks begin to turn.
They fire!
A realization strikes me as if an enemy weapon has struck me!
My feet begin to move.
My heart begins to race.
I am running for the Light- towards the enemy fire, towards the enemy's guns!
It doesn't matter.
I am running.
I am running with all my heart.
I am running with all my soul.
I am running to Him!
He is my Savior!
He is my Creator.
He is my very breath, the Love of my Life, my Redeemer!
I can't see Him.
Some think I am foolish.
They are calling to me, telling me to turn back to safety.
But I run!
I run and the fear begins to leave.
I run and the weariness turns to energy.
I run and my faith begins to surge.
He is there!
That is ALL that matters!
I am running to HIM!
In the midst of the chaos.
In the midst of my defeat.
In the midst of sickness and tiredness.
I am running straight to HIM!
His presence is all I can think of.
His presence is what I thirst for.
I am running to His arms, to His embrace.
He is my creator!
He is the lover of my soul!
And there, as the enemy fires, I leap ~~~~
I leap into His JOY, His PEACE, His LOVE!
and suddenly,
the black and white is turned to vibrant living colors.
Suddenly, no longer is there pain and suffering, but His joy floods my soul.
Nothing else matters.
All I can do is worship Him in His majesty, in His greatness for WHO He is!
It is in His presence that I begin to see that I can never fully understand how wonderful and awesome He is!
It is in His presence that I begin to see how unworthy I am.
I begin to cry.
His Holiness is too much for my sin stained soul.
I cry out for His mercy.
He covers me in the precious blood of His Son.
Peace like a river floods my soul.
His Peace.
All that matters is that I run to Him.
blessings today- may you run to Him with every fiber of your being!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tori, felt the darkness like thick velvet around her. She stumbled over a trash can and a cat went screeching over what Tori assumed to be a fence.
The cold air made her body ache. What she would do for just a jacket right now. Her fingers and toes were so cold she wasn't sure she still had them all.
Her steps were labored as she willed each frozen foot to move
Then she saw it. The familiar site brought a tear to her eye. In the midst of the blackness of the night, the illuminated home was like a beacon to the surrounding area.
Thankfully the well lit gardens gave her enough light to find the old tool shed on the south side of the lawn. If she was lucky Poppy's (the long time grounds keeper) extra set of over hauls would still be on the hook. Just thinking about the possibility of their warmth hurried her slow steps.
The tool shed looked like a mansion to her tired eyes. She opened the door and allowed the landscape lighting to filter through the door.
There! Just as she remembered, the work clothes - freshly cleaned! were hanging on the peg.
Her frozen fingers fumbled with the snaps, but the fleece lining was already warming her cold, weary body.
In just a few moments she had cleared a small spot to rest. With no wind blowing and the warm clothes on, her bones and flesh soon returned to a full blood circulating capacity. And in no time, her frame was rhythmically rising and falling to the slow breaths she took as she slept.
As the first light of day streamed through the streaked window pane, Tori sat up and took in her surroundings. Remembering where she was, she knew she had to leave at once! She didn't belong here. Why did she think she could even come here last night?
Suddenly, she remembered her desperation in the cold of night. This was the only place she thought of.
The warm rest had done her some good, but she was still hungry. Her stomach gnawed at her insides. She knew that she had to find food or she would end up with a Jane Doe tag on her toe.
She considered keeping the overhauls. But as desperate as she was she couldn't bring herself to take anything from this place. She didn't deserve even the warmth of some old work clothes.
After a few minutes of digging, she did find a pair of pants and a sweat shirt in a trash container.
Poppy. Just the thought of the old man made her heart smile for a moment. She remembered him wearing that sweat shirt.
If he knew what she had done, would he want her wearing clothes he had thrown away.
Necessity pushed that thought aside. She knew she would draw unwanted attention to herself if in the bitter cold she went around in the tank top and shorts she had on.
Her stomach seemed to scream its need.
Her head was a little dizzy. She needed some water and just something to put in her famished body.
Leaving the tool shed she looked up to the big house and imagined what it looked like. She knew every room, every piece of furniture well. She remembered the aromas of each room. She could picture Sarah, the cook, bustling about the kitchen now, mumbling about having to get up so early to begin so much food preparation. Sarah, ever the talker, and even complainer - but everyone knew she loved to cook and the more the merrier.
Sarah. What would she think about Tori?
Nope. Not even Sarah would want to give her even a sliver of her famous fried pies.
Tori turned her head quickly. It was foolish to even think such things.
She had made her decisions, not she must live with the consequences.
That life was no longer hers to enjoy or to covet.
Food~ that was her goal for the day.
Where to go? What were her options?
A week ago, a job was her goal.
That was a joke.
All her clothes and belongings were gone~ stolen and discarded~ one by one. The one guy that gave her a chance at the truck stop, told her not to come back the next day in the same clothes.
Since she didn't have anything else, she didn't go back.
That was her companion now.
And regret.
No matter where she went she couldn't get away from her two new companions.
She turned the corner on Main Street and was assaulted with new hunger pangs! The deli down the street and the little coffee shop both were emitting the most delicious aromas.
Her dirty fingers fumbled for her back pack. Could she have missed a few coins yesterday?
Her stomach begged her to search one more time.
In the alley, she stopped to look one more time in the almost empty back pack. She unzipped it knowing she would not find any coins.
She pilfered through the only things she owned now. A few undergarments and a torn t-shirt. She noticed the pocket in the lining and had an adrenaline rush! Could her next meal be paid for by a hidden bill?
With determination she reached for the opening. She found no coins but did feel something. She pulled it out. Another emotion flooded her being~ a memory of who she USED to be.
She turned the old debit card around in her hands. Would it still work?
Her father had surely voided this account long ago.
Her companions, Shame and Regret, let their nasty presence be made known again.
Her name was on the card, a name she no longer deserved.
She put the card back and zipped up her back pack.
She walked further down the street, her head a little lower, and her heart even heavier.
A single tear seeped out of her eye.
About two blocks down a side street, a bell rang. She looked up and saw the sign that read "Mission~ Free shelter and free food".
Like a zombie she turned and headed for the last option for sustenance.
Several dirty and smelly individuals were already in line for the meal.
The fragrance wasn't nearly as appetizing as the deli down the street, but at this point, she didn't care.
Food~ she was meeting her goal for the day!
For the first time since she could remember a half-smile formed on her dry, cracked lips.
A commotion on the far side of the room encouraged her to find a solitary seat in the corner.
A woman with hair all matted and big as crazy hat she had seen at an amusement park was screaming at an imaginary opponent. It seemed the "invisible" person had taken the big haired woman's baby doll.
Would she end up like the lady with big hair? All crazy from hunger and starvation that she resorted to disputes with someone who didn't exist?
Her half-smile would not come back for a while.
The lady that served the food announced the mandatory service would begin soon.
The once hungry group began disbursing quietly and monotonously headed to the makeshift chapel in the next room.
Tori followed.
Once again she found a seat in the back corner, head and eyes down.
A straggly crew of musicians lumbered to the platform. In a few minutes a screechy "Amazing Grace" was plucked out.
Although crude and bare, there was a peace in the room.
The director stood behind the platform. All eyes were on him.
He cleared his throat.
"Before I begin today, I have an announcement to make. I've been making it every day for six months, but as requested, I will continue to make it."
Almost as if he felt stupid for even saying the words, the director continued in a drab, unbelieving voice,
"Victoria Grace. Victoria Grace. Is there a Victoria Grace in the room?"
At the mention of the name, the audience chuckles.
"I'm tellin' ya, preacher! If one of the Mr. Grace's kids ever steps foot in one of these places, then I'm a millionaire me-self!"
More laughs and guffaws.
Tori began to tremble. Fear replaced any shame she experienced earlier.
"Victoria Grace," he continues in his flat tone, "if you are here, your father wants you to know that he misses his little princess and has kept your room ready for you at home."
"Awwww. The 'wich' man wants his 'ittle pwincess back", sneered the lady with the big hair.
The crowd laughed again.
A big man with tattoos on his forearms stood and stared accusingly at the lady with big hair. "Myrna! If that millionaire loves his daughter enough to send a message to her every day for six months in every shelter in the tri-state area, then so be it! All I can say is, she must be pretty special to her daddy for him to want her back so badly!"
A hush settled over the little congregation and the director continued with the service.
Tori was frozen in a state of shock.
She didn't hear a word the preacher said or even hear the last "amen".
Her mind was buzzing with possibilities.
Could her father possibly want her back home after all she put him through? After all she had done and said?
What should she do?
What WOULD she do?
The lady with the kind eyes sat down beside her.
"Honey, is there something I can do for you?"
Victoria Lynn Grace, Tori, looked up with tears in her eyes. "I.... I, don't know what to do."
"Well, is going home an option?"
"I don't know. I didn't think so, but now....."
"I see. Sweetie, you are welcome to stay here as long as you like. I need to go to the office, but I'll be back in a minute to check on you, OK?"
Still stunned by the turn of events, Tori sat. She looked at her fingers and hands, folded in her lap.
Those couldn't be her fingers. The once neatly manicured nails and soft hands had been pampered from birth. Now, they were raw and blistery and filthy. The nails looked like any street beggars hands.
Once again Shame asked the question, "How did you get to this point?"
Regret had plenty of answers.
Fear was trying to voice his opinion too loudly.
Tori took her hands to her ears and tried to suffocate the voices as tears streamed down her face.
"Daddy! I'm so sorry! I never meant this to happen! I just want to come home!", she sobbed to herself.
Rocking back and forth she continued to have a conversation with her father, a conversation she believed he would never hear because she didn't have the courage to face him again. Not that he would do anything but love her, but because Shame was stronger inside of her than Reason. Reason said to go back to her father. Shame was wining the battle.
"Daddy! Oh, Daddy! If I had only known! I'm so so sorry!"
Through her tears and sobbing, Tori did not hear the door open.
"I don't know if it is her or not, but she is in there."
"Thank you, Ms. Smith."
In an instant, he knew.
He ran to the disheveled figure and cried, "Tori! My precious Tori!"
She heard his voice, but wasn't sure if she could raise her head. How could she?
He took his hand gently under her chin and lifter her head. Their eyes met. His full of love and compassion. Hers filled with Shame and Regret and Fear. Tears streaming down her face.
"My Princess! I don't care what you've done or what you've said. You are my treasure! You are Victoria Lynn Grace, my daughter that I love and adore! You are who I care about. Everything I have is yours! Please, come home with me and let me take care of you."
Tori, could only cry.
Was this really happening? Had she become delusional from all the hunger?
But then she felt the warmth of her father's embrace, smelled his cologne, felt his strength and she knew this was real. He still loved her! He wanted her home!
A hope surged through her being.
She WAS Victoria Lynn Grace!
Her father DID love her!
She was going home~ home to be able to take a long, hot bubble bath; home to a kitchen filled with delicious food; home to a warm, comfortable bed piled with mountains of quilts and blankets if she wished; home to a closet full of nice clothes; home to her father's endless love.
Her father called her by her name again, "Victoria Lynn Grace, I love you and nothing matters except that you know that I love you and that I want you to come home with me."
She was suddenly aware that Shame and Regret had been quiet. Fear was gone. In the face of the truth of her father's love, Fear had to leave and Shame and Regret could not speak.
Tori, no longer holding back, kissed her daddy on the check and hugged him with as much strength as she could muster. "Let's go HOME!"
Isaiah 43:1 "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."
Isaiah 43:3 "Because you are precious in my eyes, and honoured, and I love you."
This story is for all you ladies who think the Father "tolerates" you in the Kingdom. This is for all of you who feel shame and regret for past mistakes.
Lift up your head! He IS the lifter of your head. You ARE His treasure!
He loves you and calls you by name!
May the Truth of this story permeate your being and free you from the bondage of shame and regret!
love you all!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fallen Officers in West Memphis - Heroes in My Book

Heroes in our City~ Paudert and Evans
It is almost 11:00 pm and my family and me are about to go to bed. Tonight I will kiss my husband a few more times and hug my kids with much more emotion.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Focused on the Goal
I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward--to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.
So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision--you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it.
Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal. There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I've warned you of them many times; sadly, I'm having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ's Cross. But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.
But there's far more to life for us. We're citizens of high heaven! We're waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He'll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Infertility and Mother's Day
this is for you~ with lots of love and admiration to each of you!
Remember to scroll all the way down to the music player and mute it.
Happy FUTURE Mother's Day!
love you all!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Father's Love

I was dedicated as a baby at First Assembly of God in Millington, Tennessee.
Although I had my hormonal teen age girl drama and moments where I "thought" I was un loved, I knew in my heart of hearts that I was in a home filled with love and security.

Yes ~ but ALL mankind!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What if YOUR Daughter Never returned Home?
I will see them at 3:00pm when the last bell rings for their day of school.
But what if they didn't come home today?
What if in a split second of time one of them was taken?
Every mother's nightmare.
Every loving father's fear.
To know that your little princess is gone.
But these days a greater fear lurks in a parent's heart.
It adds another question mark. It's not just ~
But taken ? Why?
We live in our little suburban bubbles.
Drive our SUVs to our sports games. We go to PTA meetings and pay our mortgages.
We are safe in our little bubble.
Across the ocean a half a world away in an African village, a mother kisses her 9 year old daughter as she sends her to the village market for a chicken. She doesn't know that is the last kiss she will ever give her.
As the little girl skips happily with a coin in her pocket, her innocent world collides with evil lust.
She is taken.
Not just a suburban kidnapping - which is horrific in its own right.
But taken.
The answer to that question is the evil that has been unraveling the moral fabric of every society since the days of Noah and before.
The sex slave trade.
What if YOUR daughter never returned home?
But what if YOUR daughter was taken to never return because she was TAKEN for the purpose of
the evil
lust and
of sick
evil men.
What would YOU do?
But now the question is~ What WILL you do? What CAN you do?
You still have your daughter to kiss every night, to hold, to share your dreams with.
You will tuck her in bed tonight and kiss her forehead and fill her dreams with all the possibilities her future holds. Dreams off comfort, safety, and
We live in our bubble.
They don't.
What WILL you do?
What CAN you do?
You can pray.
You can think outside your bubble.
You can support organizations that fight Human Trafficking.
You can make yourself aware that this evil atrocity does exist.
We can't just hide from evil because it doesn't affect us.
Human Trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. The total annual revenue is estimated to be between 5 and 9 BILLION dollars. The United Nations estimates that nearly 2.5 MILLION people from 127 different countries are being trafficked around the world.
I still believe in the power of Prayer to the Almighty God of heaven and earth who created us in His image.
I believe in the power of DOING good.
Isaiah 61:8 says, "For the LORD love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will fiathfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them."
Psalm 68:5 (He is ) "Father of the fatherless and protector of widows..."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Women Addicted
Here is an article I received from the Assemblies of God news source. I want to share this with those who read my blog.
Ladies, we need boundaries in all areas of our lives.
My heart is heavy to know that so many women are struggling and have such low self-esteem.
Read on:
It¹s an old, familiar story. The onlooker lusts over an athletic, good-looking figure, seeing the naked image on the screen only as a sex object. But the clientele of Internet pornography has shifted:
women now are doing a lot of the leering. It turns out that sex addiction isn¹t gender-specific. However, the result is the same:
relationships are harmed, sometimes beyond repair.
³This is a rather new phenomenon,² says Rick Schatz, president of the Cincinnati-based National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families. "Until five years ago, the coalition believed 98 percent of those looking at pornography were men. But because of the messages of the sexualized culture being delivered, especially to young women, we find about 40 percent of those struggling with sexual addiction under the age of 35 are women.²
TopTenReviews reports that one out of three viewers of porn sites is female and one in six women struggles with porn addiction.
³Society has gone several steps beyond the pale in overt expressions of sexuality,² says Marnie C. Ferree, director of Bethesda Workshops in Nashville, Tennessee. ³People feel they have license to act out because it¹s not against social mores. Only church people are saying that it¹s wrong.²
Insecurities many women have about their body shape create a key factor as to why more women are viewing porn, according to Ferree, 53.
³Sexual addiction is really an intimacy disorder,² says Johna Hale, a woman in her 60s who has been married five times ‹ the first four times, she says, to fellow addicts. ³A woman looking at men ‹ or women ‹ in porn increases her inability to connect emotionally or spiritually with others.²
³Teenage girls and young women say one reason they look at Internet porn is to learn what is Å’expected¹ by males,² says Schatz, 65.
Until the early 1990s, four out of five women addicted to porn had been sexually abused in childhood, according to Ferree. But the availability and anonymity of porn on the Internet has resulted in the possibility of anyone with self-esteem problems or relationship difficulties being vulnerable, she says.
Many women who look at porn with a partner either are hoping to learn what pleases him or are hoping to keep the companion from leaving the relationship. Such tryouts may be enough to get them hooked.
That¹s what happened to Cyndi. She started watching porn at 24 to learn ³new techniques² to try to please a more experienced boyfriend.
³I didn¹t want to appear stupid or boring or backwards to him,² says Cyndi, who lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. ³But after I watched it, I really liked it.²
So Cyndi began voraciously viewing pornography on videos, computer and cable television. Soon she looked at porn as a means of coping with anger, loneliness and hatred. She had been sexually abused by a male relative as a child and raped as a teenager.
³I felt dirty and ashamed, but I kept going back to it,² says Cyndi, now 40. ³I don¹t understand why I did it. But I wish I had never seen those images. I can¹t get them from my mind.²
Cyndi says her addiction to porn altered her behavior. She became promiscuous. She shut down emotionally. She viewed God only as a punisher.
In 2006, at the end of her rope emotionally and financially, Cyndi sought help from a church when she didn¹t have enough food for her 9-year-old son. She found compassion rather than condemnation, and counseling helped her begin healing from a twisted perspective of sexuality. Last year she stopped her 15-year porn compulsion, helped by Internet filter controls, an accountability partner and a support group.
³There¹s no way anybody can fully recover without Jesus in their heart,² Cyndi says. ³There¹s a lot of shame. Women aren¹t supposed to like porn.²
Yet for college-age women and even girls in high school, Internet pornography almost has become a norm.
A lure to porn can begin via a soap opera, romance novel, fashion magazine, chat room or social networking site.
Wanton women are celebrated heroines on television, in programs such as "Desperate Housewives." Females who become obsessed with porn may be desensitized by watching shows such as "Sex and the City," which offer subtle messages that highly educated characters shouldn¹t have any hang-ups about premarital or extramarital sex.
³From a Christian perspective, it¹s sin,² Schatz says. ³Those who look at porn bring other people into sexual relationships.²
While many men keep their pornography addiction a secret, women are more likely to act out beyond visualization, Ferree says. In an effort to find a perfect relationship they have conjured up in a fantasy world, women may:
€ Dress provocatively to attract attention € Track down former partners via social networking sites € Meet in person those with whom they have formed an online connection € Experiment with lesbianism € Commit adultery
³The more a person dwells on fantasies in the mind, it¹s only a matter of time before she starts acting out,² says Rose Colón, a counselor at Pure Life Ministries in Dry Ridge, Kentucky.
Addiction also arrests emotional development.
³When a person becomes compulsive about this behavior ‹ which for many people now is mid- to late-teens ‹ their maturation process stops at that point,² Ferree says. Thus, some women in their mid-20s date teenage boys because they see them as peers.
Experts agree that churches these days usually applaud men for seeking help with sex addiction problems. Not so with women.
³The stigma and shame is far greater for women who struggle,² Ferree says.
Because of that, many won¹t seek help until the addiction spirals out of control.
Starting when Ferree was age 5, a trusted family friend molested her for 15 years. As an adult, Ferree went through a series of sexual relationships and believed she couldn¹t be redeemed. Ferree couldn¹t break her sexual addiction even after being diagnosed with cervical cancer (caused by a sexually transmitted disease) and enduring three surgeries and increasingly frequent suicidal thoughts.
Only when she learned that a former partner had died of AIDS did Ferree seek successful treatment from a Christian counselor who understood sexual addiction. She also joined a 12-step support group. Bethesda Workshops, where Ferree is director, began offering the first treatment program specifically for women in 1997.
³By and large it¹s a secretive, isolating disease,² says Hale, founder and executive director of L.I.F.E. (Living in Freedom
Everyday) Ministries, a Christian sexual addiction recovery support group ministry in Lake Mary, Florida. ³Women are dealing with rejection, abandonment and shame.²
The greatest power pornography has is its secrecy. Reaching out for assistance can be mortifying for a woman active in church.
Ferree says while confession to God is an important initial step toward freedom, accountability to another Christian is usually necessary to stop inappropriate sexual behavior.
³No woman can recover alone,² Ferree says. ³I hear a lot of women saying, Å’I thought I was the only one.¹ When they believe they are uniquely perverted, it¹s hard for them to talk.²
Ideally, that initial contact to confide the secret should be another woman who is a trusted friend. An addiction recovery accountability support group and individual counseling also may be beneficial.
With God¹s help, wives can stop trying to medicate past traumas and can become vulnerable, transparent and trustworthy in a marital relationship. Without hope, it¹s not uncommon for a woman to move from relationship to relationship ‹ and sometimes marriage to marriage ‹ in an attempt to find fulfillment.
Despite the reservations in Christian circles about discussing women addicted to porn, there is progress. For instance, when Ferree wrote "No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Shame" in 2002, she had to publish it herself; no Christian company wanted to touch it. In March, InterVarsity Press will release an updated version.
Colón, citing Jesus¹ conversations with the woman caught in adultery (John 8:11) and the woman at the well with five husbands (John 4:18), notes that the Savior offers hope to women caught in sexual sin.
³Women in sexual sin are afraid to come into the light because they don¹t want to be labeled,² Colón says. ³The enemy tells us, Å’You can¹t tell anyone that. What are they going to think?¹ But when women take a step of faith, they already have started on the pathway to freedom.²
--John W. Kennedy, Pentecostal Evangel
What sobering information! But we have the answer in Jesus Christ!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
In the Pit
Putrid, rotten, horrid filth.
His taste buds were beginning to absorb the fumes.
The pit he had been thrown into was the crude sewer system for his city.
The last few days his existence had consisted of avoiding the rodents scavenging through the human waste and of discerning where the most sanitary and safe place would be to rest.
He heard the far gate open again and before the smell hit him his stomach muscles began repulsing in anticipation of the "fresh" smells that would be assailing him momentarily.
Where was God?
Had he, Jeremiah, not delivered the Word of the Lord word for word as Jehovah had directed him?
To keep his sanity he forced his nostrils and taste buds to shut down and he closed his eyes to remember happier times.
He remembered King Josiah and the happy days when the Book of the Law was found. He remembered Josiah encouraging the people to follow after God.
Those were the days. He, Jeremiah had open access to the palace in Jerusalem. He was a young man in those days, but God had been gracious to him to allow him to see and experience the reading of the Law. He had seen the joy the words of the Torah could bring to his people.
But now.....
It was as if his people, his new king were no different than Jeremiah. Oh, they weren't in a pit filled with feces and rodents, but their spirits were in a worse pit than his.
His people, God's chosen people, rejected to word of the LORD continually. The more they refused to heed the warnings of the LORD, the more they sunk into the mire and filth of the depravity of their souls.
As if on cue, the "fresh" wave of nauseating stench flooded his sense of smell.
Bile and vomit welled up within his stomach and throat, but it had been so long since he had eaten there was nothing but acidic spittle wreaking havoc in his dehydrated body.
Once again he recounted the words of his God to him. It brought some sort of peace to his soul and a comfort to his misery to know that his suffering was serving a purpose.
He remembered hearing, feeling the breath of God speak to him: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
He smiled a faint smile as he remembered his confusion at: "Get yourself ready. Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them."
His parched lips, thirsty for water and moisture, mouthed the words of his favorite: "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
These were words his God, the Creator of the Universe, gave him to speak to the nations! If God were detailed as he believed he was, then these words would be around for hundreds of thousands of years.
At this moment, Jeremiah gave every effort to concentrate on a particular promise he would dwell on all day: "When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you and will bring you back from captivity."
Just maybe, that word could be for him today! Jeremiah determined in hes heart to seek and find the Lord God this day! It didn't matter that he was in a pit, that he was dying, or that he didn't have the life he once did. It only mattered that he seek his God today~ THIS day!
As he contemplated the greatness and goodness of God, he heard a voice shouting out.
His heart pounded a little faster when he heard his name! It was his name! Someone had come for him!
He, Jeremiah, the prophet, was about to BE FREE!!!!!
May you dwell on the promises of God today, regardless of your circumstance~!
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Enemy's Weapon
Deception originated with Lucifer.
He paints a picture and we fall into his trap.
We see the world around us sometimes the way the ENEMY wants us to see it.
We easily turn from the TRUTH that Christ is longing for us to see.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."
Jesus said, "I have come to give you life and more abundantly."
It is the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy.
My sister-in-law sent me an email this morning that depicts TRUTH for all of us- not just policiticans in the joke's jest.
Please read and ask God to speak TRUTH into your soul- AS you read His TRUTH in HIS WORD. I encourage you to read John 8 and Johm 15 today.
Here is the little email joke that was sent to me:
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Prayers of Intercession- Thy Will be Done
Some of my earliest memories are of going to sleep while hearing my faithful parents beseeching the Creator of the Universe to intervene in the lives of loved ones and friends.
Our heavenly Father created us to intercede on behalf of others. He moves when we petition Him, not because He has any limits or "needs" us. It is us that NEED Him. We need to recognize that outside of Him and His authority there is NOTHING we can do.
It is a gift.
It is a burden.
It is warfare.
I want so desperately to be a MIGHTY warrior for the Kingdom! I want the demons of hell to tremble when I fall to my knees. I want to see God move in our city. I want to be a part of that- praying down the strongholds~ devil knocking, Bible thumping, prayer shouting warrior of God.
I want MORE to seek THE LORD of Hosts~ to seek His Presence, to have Him near.
Yesterday, I was in prayer for several situations.
I had faith! I walked onto my "battlefield" in confidence and had a stance of Victory!
I just knew God was going to intervene and we were going to shout the Victory because I had it all planned out for God. I prayed that He would handle situation A by doing so and so and so and so. I prayed He would take care of situation B by opening those blinded to the error of their pitiful ways.
At the end of the day, this warrior sat on the couch and recounted the days' battles.
God was victorious, but not the way I thought He would be. Honestly, not the way I thought He should be. But I reiterate - He WAS victorious!
This warrior was a little deflated and uneasy about the direction these situations were heading.
I was reminded by my precious family that we pray like Jesus: "Not my will, but Yours, Father".
The night before, we, as a family, prayed together for a situation. Our 16 year old, amazing son, led us in prayer. He prayed for the situation and those involved, expressing his love for the people involved. He closed his prayer with, "And Lord, even if things don't turn out the way we want, we want YOUR will. Your will be done."
My 13 year old, amazing daughter, was next. She prayed over another situation and then that one. She closed with, "May YOUR will be done."
I prayed it too.
But I didn't mean it. Not like they did.
I just said that.
I'm not proud, but it is the truth.
What I meant when I prayed, "May Your will be done" was, "Lord, since I just KNOW that Your will is in total agreement with mine, May Your will (that is MY WILL) be done."
How often have I been guilty of "planning" God's victories? How often have I "planned" His course of action according to my agenda?
I am a prayer warrior. Maybe I should say I am a prayer enlistee. I haven't reached the ranks of my grandma or parents yet. I am learning and learning to trust.
Ultimately ~ when the sun goes down at night and I lay my sleepy self in my comfy bed, I know that I know that I know that I know that God is a loving God and He DOES know what is best for everyone ~ even better than I do.
So, part of my Prayers of Intercession is really learning to pray the Word of God which INCLUDES -
"Not my will, but Your will be done."
There is calming peace when we submit, yield and give TOTAL Control to our Omnipotent Creator God.
Do I stop praying?
Do I pray His Will - NOT MINE?
Yes Way!
.... and I will try much harder to really mean, "Not my will, but Your will!"
"Lord, I submit to Your will. I trust in Your will. I welcome Your will. Teach me to accept ALL that You have for me with Grace and Truth.
~Not My Will but Your will be done!"
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Straight from the Word
Nothing more, nothing less. May He breathe His life into you as you read His Words.
Psalm 27:8
"My heart says to you, Your face, LORD, do I seek."
Psalm 28:7
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him."
Psalm 29:2
"Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness."
Psalm 111
"Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them.
Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever.
He has caused His wondrous works to be remembered; The LORD is gracious and merciful.
He provides food for those who fear him; He remembers His covenant forever.
He has shown His people the power of His work, in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
The works of His hands are faithful and just;
all His precepts are trustworthy;
they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
He sent redemption to his people; He has commanded His covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is His Name.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever."
All scripture is from ESV.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Finding the Love of Your Life
The chocolate's have been eaten. The roses are wilting, and romance has been rekindled in many hearts.
But what about those who hid out in their apartment on THAT day because they couldn't bear facing another Valentines day alone.
I said it.
or should it be ~
A L O N E.
I have talked to many young women who wonder if they will spend their entire lives waiting on Prince Charming to show up on his white horse with a tiara on a pillow. They have spent many a night crying over the possibility that Mr. Right was lured into a shallow relationship by a Proverbs 7 girl rather than waiting on the Proverbs 31 woman of his dreams.
The reason it sounds so sad to so many is because God said in Genesis, "It is not good for man to be 'alone'. " He made us to enjoy the company of the opposite sex. (There are those He calls to singleness~ but when He does, there is joy in that, not sadness and depression.) He made us to 'mate for life'. He made us to feel incomplete without our soul mate.
If He made us that way, He makes a provision for every need we have - even for that of a husband. :)
Now, I am writing this and I have had my Mr. Perfect, my Prince Charming for over 26 years. I haven't spent much time wondering who I would spend the rest of my life with, but I have learned some things in my almost half century of existence. (Yikes! That sounds OLD!)
These are things I know to be true:
1) God has a plan for your life.
2) If God has a plan for your life, it is a plan that will bring you the greatest joy and fulfillment.
3) His plan for your life is not a mystery that can never be discovered.
4) His plan for your life is as simple as daily seeking His face.
5) He usually does not write His plan for your life on the wall of your bedroom.
6) He has His own timing.
7) Discovering His plan and will for your life require knowing His voice.
8) Discovering His plan and will for your life require simple obedience.
9) You can never get so far away from His plan that He cannot bring you back into His will.
10) You will LOVE His plan as long as you stay in His will.
Now, do these things help you "Find the Love of Your Life"? I would say so! Because when you find God and His plan for your life, then the Prince Charming God has for you is somewhere in the path - and you won't miss it!
Just be patient. God really does know what He is doing with your life - a lot better than you do!
Whenever someone asks me, "How do I know God's will for my life?" I direct them to Romans 12:1,2-
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- His good and pleasing and perfect will. "
There are vital keys to living in this verse that will put you in God's path and His will for your life. That is the most important thing, more important than having a "man"! Remember that.
The keys to living in this verse?
1) Understand your life in view of God's mercy.
2) Offer your life to Him as a LIVING sacrifice.
3) Offer your life to Him as a holy and pleasing sacrifice to Him.
4) This should be a spiritual act of worship.
5) Do not conform to the world's culture.
6) Allow the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit to transform your life.
7) Allow the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit to renew your mind.
8) Once your mind is renewed you will be able to test and approve what the will of God is.
9) That means, there will be counterfeits!
10) Know that His will is good, pleasing and perfect!
And Know that you should never EVER settle for second best!!!
If you are waiting on God to bring Prince Charming into your life and if you are wondering if he is EVER going to show up I hope you can sometime hear missionary Trudy Ruehmann Jackson tell her story.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Taylor!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stiff penalties occur when an egg of an eagle is damaged, destroyed, and even moved!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thoughts Agreeable to His Will
Anyway, as I was flipping through it, I noticed my underlinings for a particular scripture. I don't use this Bible a lot so the high lights etc are scarce.
Here is the scripture:
Proverbs 16:3 Amplified:
"Roll your works upon the Lord
[commit and trust them wholly to Him: He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and]
so shall your plans be established and succeed."
Wow! Did you get that?
Let it sink into your spirit!
When I trust in Him and allow Him to be what He wants to be in my life, THEN my thoughts (hopes and desires) will become agreeable to His will!
I don't know about you, but when I get in trouble and do something stupid, it's because I have been thinking.
You know.
Thinking about stuff I have no business contemplating without God right there guiding my every thought.
God's Word says my thoughts will become agreeable to HIS will - not mine, not my selfish whims and desires- but HIS will.
Ooooh!! I NEED that!
I'm serious!
I REALLY *N E E D* that!
So, since I am sitting her with my "un"worn Amplified Bible out, let me give you another verse that goes with Proverbs.
Romans 12:2 Amplified:
"Do not be conformed to this world {this age}, [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]."
God has an answer for EVERY situation I go through - for you too!
Two simple verses that can get me straightened out - plain and simple! - Well, maybe not simple in my follow through, but if I just let Him do what He wants to in my life, it is very simple!
"Lord, I want my THOUGHTS to think in line with your will! Lord, I want to know and prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God for my life! I need YOU in every aspect of my life."
May you be saturated in HIS presence today!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Psalm 5 Prayer
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Character or Comfort?
While in the hospital after Christmas - bored out of my mind - I was thinking about 2009 and its successes and failures. In my smug review of the year, the Holy Spirit gently whispered His thoughts into my spirit.
He wasn't impressed.
So, I prayed.
"Lord, I REALLY want to be ALL that YOU want me to be. Change me to be MORE like YOU than EVER before - REGARDLESS of the cost."
As soon as I breathed those last words, I gasped!
I pictured my hands grasping at the thin air trying to catch the words and shove them way back into the abyss of my being.
Did I really just pray that?
Do I really mean it?
After some soul searching and some soul "dying", I do really mean it.
After all, what good am I to HIM unless HE is in me greater with each passing day. The good thing? I can't do it! I'm not good enough! Now don't get me wrong and paint me into some super saint~ 'cause that I "ain't"! In my flesh I don't want to do nothing but just live free and be happy. I am a stinking sinner and struggle with a sinful nature. And the sinful nature likes things just the way they are! But.... I do love my Jesus! I want Him more than I want me!
He has to do it, but I have to let Him.
So, with all of that in mind, I was CHALLENGED again today during our weekly staff meeting. We are reading Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love. Chapter 8 was today. "Obsessed".
If you are looking for a book to challenge you (along with God's Word), read this one!
Chan emphasizes James 1:2-4. Basically, God is more interested in our character than our comfort.
I knew that.
But today I perceived and completely grasped God's Word for me regarding this.
Our culture in America SCREAMS comfort.
Christianity produces character.
So...... I am continuing the journey to which He has called me.
I want to embrace this journey with His strength.
I want to continue this journey with His Word.
I want to reach others on this journey with His passion.
I want to finish this journey His character.
I have a feeling most of it will be without comfort.