This blog was created with the hopes of helping women discover the treasures within themselves and God's Word. ...And it has a become a platform for me to share these truths through my stories.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Noni's China Journals #1
A year ago today I had so many mixed feelings.
Excitement~ of traveling to the other side of the world
Dread ~ of leaving 3 of my children and husband at home
Anticipation~ for holding my new granddaughter
Fear~ traveling to China without my husband, my protector and best friend
Worry~ about all the details of traveling abroad
Peace~ this trip was right and for the most wonderful purpose!
I had so much to do to get ready for my long trip to the other side of the world. Not only did I need to pack for myself for a 20 day trip, but I wanted to make sure I had everything at home in order for my husband who was about to find out what being a taxicab mom was all about.
I must admit that I relished the thought (just a little) of my husband waking the kids, feeding the kids, making sure they looked presentable, getting them to the different schools, picking them up, making sure homework was done, getting them dressed for ball practices, getting them to practice and games (all 3 playing), feeding them, cleaning up after them, and doing the laundry.... and that is just a starter list. [This is where you see a picture of my with little horns on my head and a huge grin on my face.]
In my wildest dreams I had no idea of what to expect in China~ other than we were going to bring home our precious Mia, the baby we had all prayed for, for so long.
[Those of you who know me and know Rusty are aware of the sacrifice my husband made for me to go on this trip with Glenda and her family. He is the ultimate protector as a husband. I believe with all of my heart, Rusty is the exact image of what God had in mind for a godly husband. He is such a perfect fit for me because I definitely need a keeper. ha! I need someone to make sure I don't lose my keys or my driver's license. I need someone ~ Rusty~ to make sure I get where I am supposed to be, etc, etc. If he asked me once, he asked me a thousand times, "Do you know where your passport is? Do you know what to do if.....? Or what about.....?" ]
A year ago I made last minute visits to the schools, checked and re-checked every one's schedules. Tomorrow I would finish my final packing.
My thoughts were filled with questions about China: what would the food be like, what would our hotels be like, what would the people be like, and what would Mia be like?
I kissed my husband and kids a little more. I stole as many hugs as I could. I wrote them little "love notes". I bought my mother's Mother's Day present and card. I checked each "to do" item off of the list that had been growing for the past month.
One more day and I would board a plane to the other side of the world ~ without my husband~ but with my oldest daughter and her growing family!
China was closer than it had ever been!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pain is Relative
I mentioned in an earlier post about my "bum" shoulder. I can just slightly move my torso to balance myself (seems I have to do that a lot!) and the mind numbing pain shoots through my shoulder and down my arm.
Sleep runs away from me. The pain scares it off.
I thought the previous couple of night's sleeplessness was due to not being in my cozy bed and not having my wonderful pillows. Last night I had the pleasure of both, but sleep still evaded me.
After the maximum dose of naproxen sodium, sleep still could not be found. I have bags under my eyes today. The nagging pain has settled into permanent residence in my right shoulder. Upon some contemplation though, I would rather have this pain than other pains I have had. I would like to sleep, but the pain can be bearable.
And my silly pain allows some humorous moments to crawl into my life.
Like ~returning a side hug from a friend's husband ~ just to have my shoulder freeze and constrict in pain~ about the time I am going to pat his back~ only to pat toooooo low~
Can you say mortified!?
[I have friends that I grew up with that would particularly find that story a little too humorous..... something to do with a purse...?? (lol)]
Pain is relative.
What I mean is, until you know intense pain, the worst pain you have had until that moment is great. But once the new intense pain arrives, you understand the insignificance of your previously minor pain.
Pain is relative.
I may think I am in a lot of pain, but I know there is much worse out there. So, I just face my sleepless night thanking God I don't have that kind of pain.
Again, upon reflection, I would rather have physical pain over emotional pain any day, any time. Physical pain affects me alone. Emotional pain would, more than likely, happen due to strained relationships.
Pain is relative.
Spiritual pain, which is separation from God, is intolerable and for me, not an option. Spiritual pain, if not dealt with before our appointed date with destiny, makes all other pain pale in comparison.
Spiritual pain ~ deep anguish~ during which Jesus on the cross cried, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" is the kind of pain that, without divine intervention, can last forever~ throughout eternity.
Pain is relative.
The spiritual pain of Jesus upon the cross was so agonizing because He knew the reality of closeness with the Father. In the instant God the Father had to turn His back on His only Son because of the sins of the world, Jesus knew, for the first time, a state of being void of His Father's holiness and righteousness. Jesus experienced the worse kind of spiritual pain.
Pain is relative.
So many are lost in their sin, but have no idea the spiritual distress they are in because that is all they have ever known. Let a Christ filled believer cross their path and begin to pray for their darkness to be revealed and swoosh! A glimpse into the depth of their spiritual pain cracks into their being.
The weight of sin can suddenly be felt. Oh, they may respond in evil and vile cursing, or they may respond is complete humility before God, but for once, they slowly begin to understand the depravity of their soul.
Pain is relative.
Why I am being so seemingly gloom and doom?
Because pain is relative.
"May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man
by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].
May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts!
May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.
That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints
[God's devoted people, the experience of that love]
what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];
[That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves]
the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge
[without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being]
unto all the fullness of God
[may have the richest measure of the divine Presence,
and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!
Ephesians 3:16-19
Blessings to each of you and may you have a spiritual pain free day! :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Last on Marketplace Christianity
(Say whaaaaattt??) :)
I think you will have to wait the humorous details on that story.
Back to Marketplace Christianity.
I have picture I want you to get in your mind and I am not so sure I have the time to "take" you there. When I say marketplace, I am thinking of the hub of community activity. I am thinking of the place where one goes to find someone they haven't seen in a while. It would be the epi-center of commerce. I guess in our post-modern society I am thinking of, none other than~
Wal-Mart or Target~
or the local grocery store.
The marketplace.
Where one goes to do business, yet also will cement some relationships in the process.
You have all seen it. The two ladies catching up on the latest gossip at the end of the produce aisle, or the two gentlemen discussing the best lawn care products in the gardening section.
In the middle of the hustle and bustle of frantic shopping trips, the leisure side of relationship 101 can be seen on any given aisle.
What does all of that have to with Marketplace Christianity?
Simply said our Christianity should affect every aspect of our lives.
Our Christianity should affect our conversation in the produce aisle.
Our Christianity should affect our discussion of lawn care products.
Our Christianity should determine our decisions, our actions, our speech, our attitudes and please don't forget our reactions.
Being a Christian is not just about what we "don't" do.
Being a Christian is not just about what we "don't" say.
Being a Christian is just as much about our REACTIONS.
We should also have Christ-like reactions to~
and many more relevant issues that sometimes we choose NOT to react to.
Hmmmmmmm. Oh, how I wish I could go on. The soap box is calling my name to come stand awhile, but I must leave you with these thoughts and one question.
"What Christ-like reactions do we have to the items mentioned above?"
ok- I need to go!
love you all!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
More on Marketplace Christianity
As soon as I posted my blog yesterday, I made a McDs run for the No. 2, large fries, large Diet Coke- (not my fasting day!). I pull in, and "Hallelujah!"- there is no one in line.
[Now, for those of you who just by chance happen upon this blog, I live in the Delta. The Delta is not known for its quality customer service in the fast food chains.]
I drive straight through to the intercom and vaguely hear the lady say something. So, I assume she has welcomed me to McDonalds and asked me what I would like to order. I rattle off in my chirpy little voice, "I would like a No. 2 please with a Large Diet Coke. And..... (I can't believe I am admitting this!) a cinnamelt, too!"
I am drooling over the thought of my order. It is 1:00 pm and I haven't eaten. I know I am NOT going to eat BOTH cheeseburgers and the cinnamonmelt, but I have the option! I am waiting for my order to just "appear" on the little screen thing. I wait.
I wait a little longer.
I wait some more.
By now, I am not sure what to do. Am I an idiot? Did she just say they were closed or something? Or did she ask me to call 911 because they were being robbed? Or did she say please wait while I eat my burger? There are cars backed up to the busy street. I am sure someone is about to start honking at the goofy person just looking at the blank screen.
So, in my sweet voice - trying not to sound like a complete airhead-
I ask, "Hell000-000?" (notice I was very careful to put more "oooos" in there..)
Hmmmmm. What do I do???
I decide to go ahead and drive to the payment window.
As I pull up, the little girl runs up. She has a worried look on her face and begins apologizing profusely in a very kind and sweet manor.
My heart went out to her immediately. What I saw in her eyes were a thousand customers in her past, ranting and raving on why they were not served more promptly.
I told her that was fine and it was no big deal. She took my order and my money and I proceeded to window number 2 to get my order number 2! (Still drooling over my fries and cinnamelt!)
The next lady is very kind and quickly gives me my order. I see a manager in the background.
That is when I get the idea!
I asked for the manager.
All expressions pale. Mouths shut firmly and jaw muscles tighten.
Again, my heart ached for them.
The manager came with a plastered smile on her face ready for the bombardment of complaints.
I smiled my biggest grin and began to complement the first young lady for her sweet spirit and kind words regarding my wait. I told her that I didn't mind the wait in the first place, but since she was so thoughtful about it, I was impressed.
The manager blinked. Looked very close at me- (Was she checking to see if I was on drugs or something?) Then she exhaled and broke out into a heartwarming smile. She mentioned something about thank you and appreciation and I drove off.
With my window still down I left to enjoy my feast. Before she closed her porthole I heard her exclaim to the young lady in the back, "You got a complement!"
Why have I gone to all of this detail to share this story with you?
Do we tip well at restaurants?
Do we return our buggies to the shopping cart corral? (my personal pet peave)
Do we smile at strangers in the aisles?
Do we offer to help others?
Do we pray for the car next to us at the stop light?
My 11 year old exemplified a pure Christ-like spirit the other day. We were leaving the office and several friends had stopped by for errands. I was late picking up my son and needed to hurry. My Mack wasn't in the car. Thinking she was visiting with a buddy, I loudly told her we needed to get gone. I then looked over to see her helping an elderly lady with a large package into her car. Was I ever embarrassed! Mack had stopped her chatting to run and help someone else. (Beam! Beam!)
I have more to say on this subject, but I will wait until Friday. So, stay tuned for Part 3 of my ramblings on Marketplace Christianity!
love you all!
Marketplace Christianity
My prayer over them always involves several things:
- I plead the blood of Jesus over the bodies, souls, and spirits;
- I pray that the Word of God planted in their hearts would fall on good ground and return where God has purposed He send it 100 fold;
- I ask that all they say, think and do would glorify God;
- Lastly I request the Savior to guide every decision they make and to give them His divine favor with students, teachers, and administration.
What I want for my children and their future is that they daily live a victorious Christian life. I want them to take Jesus into every single day. I want them to take Jesus into every aspect of their education and their careers. I want them to have a Marketplace Christianity.
Marketplace Christianity.
What does it mean? How does it affect us?
Marketplace Christianity is simply discipleship to the fullest.
Too many people reserve their "best" Christ-likeness for the sanctuary dress-up days. In some ways their spirituality is like my son's career day. Christianity is a "mock" preliminary for a pretend faith that only exists in the shadow of the steeple (as a popular song suggests).
Marketplace Christianity.
Live like Jesus every second of every day in every situation. Take Jesus to Wal-mart. Take Jesus to work with you. Take Jesus home with you.
Allow him to speak THROUGH you.
Marketplace Christianity.
Marketplace Christianity is not just taking Jesus with you. It is sharing Jesus with those around you ~ at Wal-mart; at work; and at home.
If we truly lived as Christ, our world would be different.
Marketplace Christianity.
Marketplace Christianity is not a program. It is not something we do when we feel like it.
Marketplace Christianity is a lifestyle.
Marketplace Christianity is a reformation of the soul.
Marketplace Christianity is biblical.
Marketplace Christianity should be you.
Marketplace Christianity should be me.
Marketplace Christianity.
I pray you are challenged to live Jesus as never before.
love you all!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Age Has its Way of Mocking Me!
Inside I still "feel" 25. I have to work hard to act like the "mature" 40 something pastor's wife that I am. Maturity and dignity do not come naturally for the likes of me.
Your natural response would be, "How is that?"
(Do I even share such things for the whole world to see? Of course! )
Well, for starters, I find most of life quite humorous. It doesn't matter if I am supposed to be sad, quiet, or respectful. I am very easily tickled.
Like in church.
My husband is the most amazing preacher I have ever heard! I am blessed to have him as my pastor for the rest of our lives. I could sit and listen to him forever! - but you add a snoring person in the mix, in the pew behind me, and it is all over for me! I can disrupt a congregation faster than the squirrel in the revival! Shoulders shaking, giggles audibly erupting and tears streaming - those are the moments you B-E-G God for a much more serious nature!
Like in conference settings.
Oh, my. Don't even take me to one of those! And please, please don't set me next to a person with any type of idiosyncrasy! Like next to the lady who clicks her teeth when she is thinking. A few minutes of that, and it starts for me. First come the hushed snickers. Next, I give way to little gasps of "oooowowoh" followed by a louder giggle. The next thing you know I am in a full blown snort!
Like at funerals.
I have WAY too many stories for this category. There is one tale that belongs to the Searcy crew. I must say, I was just as innocent as Vernon and Pat Shourd and Frank and Helen Gentry! There was something about a grumbling hungry stomach that was louder than the preacher! It is also one of those "you had to be there" stories. Tears were rolling down our cheeks, that is for sure!
I can't forget the time the guest minister started carrying on a conversation with the dear soul in the casket. Now - that just took the cake! I did have enough sense about me that time to just get up and leave! I was lucky not to leave that funeral home without a straight jacket! I made it to the ladies room and was doubled over in the floor laughing.
Age has its way of mocking me.
It is good that I can laugh at myself!
Several years ago, we came up with an award in the office when someone did something silly or just plain "stupid". It was a McDonald's Happy Meal Goofy toy. It just kind of stayed in the office with all of the m&ms.....
Age has its way of mocking me.
I deserved a "Goofy Award" the other day. (This is for you Shannon!) I was working so hard in my little office cranking out the work. I decided I had earned a chocolate moment- (you know- stop what you're doing and savor 5 minutes of wonderful chocolate!). I reached over for the chocolate peanut butter kiss Ms. Shirley had left on my desk. As I opened the foil wrapper, the kiss dropped under my desk. Being the frugal chocolate lover I am, I was going to "save" that kiss! I simply scooted my chair back to reach down and get it, only to find it was a little out of my reach.
In my mind I am still 25. In reality, I am 40+ and have a nagging, stiff shoulder. (Must I say again that in my mind I am still 25.) Bending down a little more, I reached further steadying myself on my stiff shoulder.
It happened so fast, I can't even tell you what happened! One moment I am in my chair- a "dignified" pastor's wife, working diligently at the church office.
The next moment, I am somehow
head down,
rear end up,
all under my desk -
still reaching for one itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny piece of chocolate.... that I might add was still NOT in my hand.
I was stuck! Not because I couldn't get out, but because I was laughing so hard, I couldn't move. But then, I wasn't leaving until I got the prize!
Ms. Shirley and Beth came running to see what was the matter, to find me under my desk giggling at my demise.
Age has its way of mocking me!
Agility is a thing of the past.
Stiff joints find me in the present
Clear vision is of yester years.
Blurred vision accompanies me constantly.
A slender figure is only seen in the photographs.
My jellied tummy bubble is all too visible when I look in the mirror.
Age has its way of mocking me!
I don't mind growing older. It just means I am one step closer to heaven. I don't even mind finding the hilarity in life. I want to rejoice in the days God has given me.
I find in my NIV Bible words for joy and rejoice. Joy seems to be a natural response to a state of being. Rejoice is something you choose to do.
Maybe, just maybe in heaven I will be the dignified, reserved, and graceful woman I have always dreamed of being....
But in the meantime, I am fine knowing-
Age has its way of mocking me!
Have a joy filled day with rejoicing!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Long story short, I was not having a heart attack, but rather a series of asthma attacks. The "elephant" turned out to be my inability to get enough air into my lungs and exhale properly.
To this day, I do everything possible to keep that "feeling" from returning.
- I hold my breath while walking through smoke hazed doorways.
- I avoid restaurants that allow patrons to smoke inside.
- I refrain from the use of certain cleaning products in my home.
- I stay away from dust and dirt.
- I can't even use most popular scents and perfumes.
The ability to breathe freely and deeply is something I don't want to lose.
I remember as a kid playing silly games in the pool with my sister. One of our favorites was to see who could hold their breath the longest. The secret to winning the game was to ignore the cry of your lungs screaming for air. It is so natural for our body to breathe, that refusing it the ability to do so is painfully unnatural.
Our spirit is the same way. With every second and every breath of our physical being, our spiritual man longs to breathe in Jesus, His presence, His Word, and His life.
Oxygen. I breathe You in. I breathe You out.
How many times have I forced the Oxygen out of my spiritual life and caused head spinning depravity in my spirit until my spirit man was lifeless?
Oxygen. I breathe You in. I breathe You out.
Oh, Jesus, You ARE my oxygen. Breathe the breath of Your Spirit into my life today! I breathe You in. I breathe You out!
I want to encourage you today to do everything within your power to keep the Breath of God flowing through your spirit man.
- Avoid those things that hinder your ability to breathe deeply the Spirit of God.
- Keep your spirit pure from the "smoke hazed" entry ways to sinful things.
- Avoid places that pollute your spirit with the dirt and mire of the world.
- Allow your home to be a fresh haven of purity rather than suffocating odors of carnality.
- Stay away from the natural sins that are common place and expected.
Psalm 1:1,2 must be a guideline for our living.
"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night." NIV
Breathe in the very presence of Christ today. Spend time in His Word.Worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. Simply adore Him. Savor the breath of His Presence. Relish in His goodness. Awe at His majesty. Wonder at His love. Be amazed at His grace.
He is our Oxygen. He is what life is about. Breathe Him in. Breathe Him out.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A/G Party Time!
So, today on this Blann Family day, I invite you to go to a "family" party with us, an Assembly of God family party. Check out the other A/G party members and have a good time!
And when you are done with all your party stops, check out the official Assemblies of God website. It is an actual plethora of information and resources!
Party A/G style!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Just Ask!
As we have been reading through the Bible this year, I have been astonished at some of the decisions the kings of old made. Look at 1 Kings 15. You have Asa, the good king of Judah. It says in 11, "Asa did right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father (forefather)." AMP
Here was a man that even went against his own mother for the sake of God. He removed her from her place of power as the queen mother because she had an image of Asherah the goddess. He was passionate for God. It says in verse 14, "Yet Asa's heart was blameless with the Lord all of his days."
Here is where my questioning comes in. He was blameless before God, but when an enemy came and threatened his people, instead of calling upon the Name of God, he sought the protection of the king of Syria. In order to get this foreign king to side with him, he emptied the temple of the most high God of all of the articles of silver and gold.
Now, if I am going to serve God enough to go against my own mother, then I think I would bow my heart before God in the time of distress and ask HIM to protect me rather than a heathen king who can only do what mortal men can do.
As I have been pondering this thought, I began thinking about my own life and adversities I have faced.
I see a trend here.
I need some financial provisions.
Instead of calling on Jehovah Jireh, I swipe the plastic card for the items needed.
I need healing in my body.
Instead of crying out to Jehovah Rapha, I go to the nearest pharmacy and buy the cure in a bottle.
I need peace that passes all understanding.
Instead of leaning upon Jehovah Shalom, I call my friends and seek their comfort.
Do I need to go on and bare my shameful ways? Do you see the pattern here?
Now, I am not saying that all of this is wrong. King Asa is recorded as being blameless. But- Asa used up treasuries of his people instead having a David moment (A David moment is where we allow God to fight the impossible battle.)
How many times do we bankrupt ourselves instead of letting the King of the Universe step in and take care of our little problem? How many times do we "jump the gun" because we think God is taking too long?
So, what do you think would have happened if Asa would have simply said, "Living God of Your people. We need You. Will you please remember Your deeds of old and deliver Your people once again?:
So, what do you think will happen if you depend upon God in every situation and allow Him to show up and do His thing?
That is my prayer today. I want my first response to be that I turn to God - in everything! For the big things and for the little things. I want to trust Him with every breath I breathe.
Turn to Him and seek His face.
Just ask!
love you all!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Seasons Come and Seasons Go
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Light in the Darkness
Is this the way you are meant to live your life? Aimlessly wondering in the blackness, an existence void of all light?
You face outward, not looking, because that is irrelevant. In the distance you see a small flicker. Is it light? Finally, with some point of reference, you are drawn to that very faint trace of illumination. Your steps falter, but there is some purpose now. The blackness is still very real, but for the first time, that tiny light brings something you haven't felt before. An excited shiver curses through your being. Your steps hurry. Light! Will it bring the dread and confusion to a halt?
The closer you get, the more your eyes adjust. Shadows begin to dance before you. What joy! What fascination! Your purpose is more determined than ever. Suddenly, nothing else matters besides getting to that light and standing in its glow. What once seemed tiny and faint, becomes a brilliance that penetrates the blackest of dark. Your fascination becomes a consuming desire, a quest that will not be deterred. The now magnificent light draws you with a warmth and joyous embrace that engulfs your being!
Can you relate? This black, suffocating darkness describes the condition of our souls without our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His Light, His Being draws us and embraces us. Have you run to His Light? Have you swam in the brilliance of His presence?
Have we grown so accustomed to our Light filled world that we have forgotten the thickness of the dark? Or worse yet, have we desired "sleep" and turned out the Light and darkened our surroundings?
2 Corinthians 4:6 says in the NIV, "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
In the dream I was walking on a very narrow, difficult and steep path. I was "dressed" up with garments I thought I needed, much like a toddler plays dress up in over sized clothes and accessories. My feet slipped in the high heels and I constantly tripped over the dress tails flowing around me. My steps though, were headed toward the brilliance of His presence. I knew where I was going and where I wanted to be. The closer I came to His presence the quicker my steps became! I began to realize that my "dress-up" clothes were slowing me down. My heart just wanted to be engulfed in His embrace. I began to run. I threw off the over sized hat, the silly beads, and the cumbersome dress. I kicked off the uncomfortable shoes. I was left with only the garment of my child-like faith. Once all of the burdensome distractions were cast aside, I was able to run with agility and ease to the wondrous illuminating Presence before me.
As I realized how close I was, I couldn't just run, I had to leap. And I did. I measured my steps and jumped into the vastness of His glorious Light! His presence engulfed me and embraced me! I was enveloped in the Light of His awesome love and peace!
I awakened to realize it was a dream in the physical, but it was oh, so real in the spiritual.
The Light of His presence draws me still.
I run.
I discard all pretension and distractions.
I run with haste and determination.
When I realize the nearness of His presence I leap and dive into His wondrous embrace!
How can mere words describe a love so luxurious, so vast and so encompassing?
A love like that can only be experienced to understand the depth of its purity. Paul says in Ephesians that we have to be endued with God's power to be able to even grasp its width and length and height and depth! He then goes on to say that Christ's love surpasses knowledge!
(Ephesians 3:17-19)
I pray right now in the Name of Jesus, that every reader of this blog today will have the power- the illumination of Christ Jesus, to be able to grasp the Love of God. So many, Lord, are hurting. So many are deceived. So many are groping in the thick of darkness. Illuminate the Truth of Your Word today Lord. May they see the flicker of Your Light. May they be drawn to the Light of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ!
I come against confusion, hindrances and distractions in the Name of Jesus through the power of His blood! I come against the deception of the enemy that is lying to my sisters. I pray that each lady is able to discern Truth in her situation right now! May they gain understanding of the snares of the enemy. May they discern the enemies evil tactics. Fill these dear ladies with the Hope of Your Word!
I pray these things according to Your will and in the Name of Jesus!
Ladies- run to the Light of His glorious grace today!
love you all,
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Over the River and Through the Town to Weekend Sales We Go!



Friday, April 11, 2008
Uniquely Different

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Lord, who are You wanting to speak to this morning?
Is it the woman whose daughter is struggling with an eating disorder?
Is it the one whose marriage is crumbling before her eyes?
Is it the one whose son is bound by the stronghold of homosexuality?
Lord, is it the one who just received word that her husband is terminally ill?
Or, the one who is watching her infant child struggle for each breath in a NICU unit?
O, God in heaven! Please hear our prayers!
These are real women with very real needs. They need the Omnipotent God to speak His Word - His victorious Word to their situation!
I wait for You to direct and guide. I just don't know Lord! There are so many needs, so many people who need a fresh Word from You!
I find my favorite Bible. My mind is thinking of a passage in Psalms and another in Isaiah. I open the sweet pages and my eye falls to an underlined passage I haven't read in a while.
The chapter opens with:
"Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord.
Renew them in our day, in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy." ~ Habakkuk 3:2 NIV
Well, that is where we are Lord. Some people know You can do great things. They know you are a great God, but have they seen Your power in their lives, in their situations?
Oh, my God in heaven! Renew Your great deeds in our day~ today, Lord!
The chapter goes on to tell of some of the great things God has done- how Mighty- how Awesome He is!
The part my eyes fell upon was this:
"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
YET I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
He enables me to go on the heights."
Habakkuk 3:17-19 NIV
YET, I will rejoice in the Lord.
Even though.
In the midst of.
While enduring.
I may not see any changes. I may not feel any different. I may see even more depravity.
Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord.
My heart's prayer is that our Lord will renew His great deeds in all of these situations.
Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be joyful in God my Savior! The Sovereign Lord is my strength!
Sovereign - according to Webster- one who exercises supreme authority, one who is unlimited, excellent, and most powerful.
He is Sovereign to me means, He does (because He can) what He wants, and what He wants is what is best for all situations.
Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord.
Yet, I will rejoice (while I trust) in the Lord.
How is your Yet?
Trust Him! You won't be disappointed!
I proclaim life, blessing, deliverance, healing, peace and restoration through the power of the blood of Jesus applied to your situation right now!
The power of His Word is strong enough to fulfill the promises of His Word.
God is greater than ANYTHING!
Ephesians 3:20 (read it in the KJV!)
blessings and prayers!
love you all,
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Purity and Innocence


Sometimes as adults, I think we laugh at the wrong things. Things that are not
Blessings of a Broken heart


Monday, April 7, 2008
The Joy of Fellowship!
We hosted the very first Ladies Weekend at our church- and it was wonderful! I told the ladies that I just wanted a time where we were able to worship and fellowship together without the demands of our busy lives pulling on us.
The presence of God was so real! Hearts and lives were touched and women were refreshed! We also had a blast!!!!
I laughed. I cried. I hugged. I worshiped. I prayed. I interceded.
I don't think words can express all things that happened this weekend. It wasn't just another "Ladies Retreat". It wasn't just another conference. It was the beginning of the joy of fellowship that happens when sisters in the Lord come together in the spirit of unity.
The New Testament Greek word for that spirit of unity and fellowship is koininia. It means intimate fellowship and communion. We had that this weekend!
I am so thankful to God in heaven who has blessed us and allowed us to have this special weekend! But if you are in the area and you missed it! = We are having it again!
Thank you Beloved Mama for your prayers!
Thank you Angelia Carpenter for ministering the Word so powerfully!~ and for being a GREAT State WM Director and precious friend!
Thank you to each of our pastors' wives for being wonderful and awesome always, and in your sessions!
Thank you Karate Woman for sharing your humor!
Thank you God in heaven for meeting us at our point of need! You, Father, are able to do - exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could even ask or think!
Hallelujah and Amen!
Have a wonderful day!
blessings and prayers!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Truth or Consequences!
My wonderful, smart and discerning husband has telling me this was happening and about to happen. I believed him, but it did not stir me to action until I saw and heard it.
Just watch.
Well, I am not smart enough to download the video like all those other smart people do, but I can give you a link!
Click here to watch. (Please understand that just because I sent a link to this youtube page does not mean I agree with everything on this page. I just want you to see this video and draw your on conclusions based on the Truth of God's Word.- We must always judge EVERYTHING by God's infallible Word.)
I cannot verify the authenticity of the numbers. I cannot verify anything other than what you see and hear. These are parts of a real show - supporting humanism and New Age Doctrine. Do your friends and family watch this? Are they falling into the trap of deception by the enemy?
Now, before you go saying, "Oh, that is just silly!" Understand, she is propagating false doctrine on her talk show. Just go to this link.
I believe that as a Christian I have a responsibility to share the Truth and expose lies of the enemy when I see them.
Bottom line. That's it. No discussion. Jesus said it. That settles it. I believe it. And you should to! :) - for your eternal soul's sake.
The consequences of believing the lie are too great. Seek Truth will all of your heart!
I love you all!
Share this!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Holy is the Lord!
As I was praying this morning, I was once again humbled in His presence. I had the music from this blog playing and Karen Wheaton's song, "Lord You're Holy" came on. It was as if His presence filled the room! I began meditating on His Holiness and went to Isaiah 6.
His Holiness. Think about it! When we look at His Holiness, we see much more clearly how sinful we are. All the muck and mire of our lives start screaming to leave. Even our "righteousness" pales- for our "righteousness is as filthy rags".
We serve a Holy God. How then do we reason away His standards and live beneath His expectations for us? I am not in any way, shape, form or fashion preaching legalism. I am talking about consecration and sanctification. We must be set apart for His use. Consecrated and cleansed for His service.
Can we do this on our own! No way! It is only through the precious blood of Jesus that we can even think about approaching the Holy throne of God. But it is also because of His precious blood that we can wash away all of the filth of our sinful nature. We read His Word and are washed!
God dropped chorus in my heart when I was expecting my Mackenzie. A friend did an arrangement for it and got it copywrited. The words are: