Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Father's Love

Growing up in the home of Charles and Lonetta Rutherford was happy, safe and loving.
I am blessed more than words can express to have been raised and loved by two such godly people.

I was dedicated as a baby at First Assembly of God in Millington, Tennessee.

Although I had my hormonal teen age girl drama and moments where I "thought" I was un loved, I knew in my heart of hearts that I was in a home filled with love and security.
Yesterday, after watching a movie taken from true stories on human trafficking, I blogged "What if Your Daughter Never Came Home".
I have been thinking about that movie constantly. Like in the movie "Taken" that was in theaters last year, this made for TV movie had a father who was relentless in his pursuit of his daughter.
A father who is loving and unselfish and protector of his family will go to great lengths to keep his family safe. A father who values his daughter more than he values himself will give everything he has to get her BACK to safety if she is taken from him.
I was fortunate to have a loving earthly father who mirrored our Heavenly Father in such a way that I have called upon the Heavenly Father my whole life.
I am blessed again that MY daughters have a loving earthly father. If you have seen the movie "Taken", then you know the response that Rusty Blann would have if one of his daughters were "taken".
But my dad's response, nor my husband's response can compare to our Heavenly Father's response.
What do I mean?
God created us in His image.
He created us to be free and to worship Him.
He created us to enjoy all that He has provided for us.
But the enemy of our souls has come in and deceived mankind for way too long.
He, the enemy, puts humanity in bondages and strongholds through mankind's own choices- but men and women alike are enslaved to all kinds of evils. They have been "taken" captive.
That is exactly why "God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son that we might believe on Him and not die in our bondage but have everlasting life" and peace with Him. (John 3:16)
He- our Heavenly Creator - is relentless in His love for us.
He is relentless in His pursuit of us. (Luke 19:10)
Us - as in those in America?
Yes ~ but ALL mankind!
Black, white, hispanic, asian, ~you name them~ He is passionately pursing them as individuals that He adores.
He GAVE His Son, Jesus.
Jesus was murdered.
But the Spirit of God brought Him back to life!
Wow! Do you really understand the power, the significance of that to us!
Death could not keep Him.
The grave could not hold Him.
The Creator of the universe, GAVE Himself for our salvation~ so that we do not have to live in that enslaved state!
There are those who are slaves physically.
There are those who are slaves spiritually. (John 8:34,35)
Jesus paid the ransom for both!
John 8:32 ~ "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!"
John 8:36 ~ "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!"
John 10:10 ~"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
Even if you don't or didn't have a loving earthly father to point the way to the Heavenly Father, you can come to God and allow Him to lavish His perfect love upon you.
Go ahead.
It doesn't cost a thing.
His love is free.
He has already covered the cost.
You don't have to "get your act together" first.
You don't have to stop the drugs, or the affairs, or any other "sin".
You just softly speak His Name ~ Jesus.
He answers.
When you give yourself to Him, He takes care of the rest.
When you see Him in His Truth, you really won't "want" to be the person you were before.
Just let Him LOVE you.
My prayer is that you seek His face and fall in love with Jesus!