Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Aging Process~ From a Spiritual Perspective

My nightly routine has changed from that of yester -year.

I cleanse and moisturize my face ~same as always.
I have added to my regimen~ anti-aging serum, wrinkle reducer, and moisturizer for the senior citizen. (Well, I may be exaggerating a little, but NOT MUCH!) :)

Next, I go to my medicine cabinet. My hormones and respiratory medicine are next to my vitamins. I have recently added minerals to help reduce my cholesterol build up! (For some reason I missed the memo that m&m therapy does NOT reduce cholesterol!) Occasionally I have to add some OTC meds for "digestive ease". ha!

I brush my hair - that is rapidly gaining it's own form of "highlights". If I could just capture their "beauty" in a bottle, I might get rich. Yeaaaaah, right. People pay to NOT have these silver tones of highlights. hmmmm???? But they are such a beautiful shade of GRAY! I refuse to pluck them out. I believe the old wives tale that more will return in it's place!

I end up at my bedside with my trusty melaleuca lotion RENEW - that is the wonder of this modern age. I apply liberally to my dry and wrinkly skin.


I opened my Bible today to Isaiah 46:4. "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am HE, I am HE who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." NIV

Well, I am so glad that my God will sustain me, because my feet hurt at night, my neck hurts in the morning, and my shoulder hurts all day long. (Does that sound like a song?) :0)

Seriously, God is able to sustain us and rescue us from the things of the world, but aging is HIS GIFT to us!

Yes, you read that correctly.

Aging means we are living.
Living means we are alive.
Life is God's gift to us!

Now, for you Bible scholars out there, I KNOW that bodily deterioration is a result of the fall of man or rather, sin. But why not age gracefully bringing glory to God in ALL that we say and do?

I don't want to be one of those people reaching the AARP age and clinging to the left overs of my youth- or - worst yet- trying to re-live my younger years through my poor unsuspecting children!

I want to enjoy each day that God has given me. I want to enjoy each season of life that I am in.
I want God to be glorified in ALL that I do and say.

I want to leave a legacy for the generations coming after me!

Consider this:
Psalm 71:18~ "Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come."

That is my prayer. I want to declare HIS Power to the NEXT generation and HIS Might to ALL who are to come!

Chew on that for a little bit!

Now, answer this. What are YOU doing RIGHT NOW to declare HIS Power to the NEXT generation and HIS Might to ALL who are to come?!

My, my, my!

I better get busy! If I have lived half my life right now, I will live to be 90! (I just told my age!) But more than likely I have lived MORE than half my life!

Puts things a little in perspective doesn't it????

My life's song? "But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you MORE and MORE. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure." Psalm 71:14


1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Love it and oh how I relate. I wore 70 sunblock on my face this week in FL to ward off any new, unfriendly wrinkles wanting to attach themselves to my face!