Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We're All in this Together

I took my youngest child to see the movie (along with every other parent of 9 year old girls in America) the week HSM3came out.

Since then, I hear this song, over and over in my head! But I don't know any more of the words. I should ask Taylor. I am sure she can sing every word.

But today, maybe we all need to be stuck on this phrase.

We are all in this together.
We are a GREAT country! Our forefathers gave us some wonderful democratic principles to govern by. Regardless of which party won, or which candidate succeeded, in January we will have a new president.

So, our task as Christian evangelicals, is to begin now praying for the new leader of our country. We must ask God to speak to his heart and give him wisdom and discernment. We must pray that President elect Obama will lead our country as God would have him to lead. We must pray for his family.

For the past eight years I have prayed for President and Mrs. Bush and their two daughters. I pledge to do the same for our new president.

I will pray that he knows Jesus Christ in a real and personal way. I will pray that he is an instrument of God's will for our nation and that he will continue our American legacy of protecting Israel.

I will fervently pray that President elect Obama will value the sacredness of human life, from conception to the grave. I will pray that he supports our troops and makes sure they have everything they need to keep our country safe.

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Let's agree together to put our differences aside and stand behind the leader of this great nation in fervent prayer and intercession. We owe it to our future president to pray for him. We owe it to our children and their children.

One of the beautiful things about our country is that we can disagree and still live and work side by side with respect and harmony.

So, for my friends who voted for Obama, I say, "Congratulations! Now, let's work together to keep America great."

To my friends who were McCain and Palin supporters, I say, "What can we do now to keep life sacred in the womb? Our job is not finished."
We ARE all in this together!

Blessings to all of you this beautiful day!


Anonymous said...

beautifully said!

LAURIE said...

Well put Dorinda. Today, I have had to walk away from conversations because I am tired of people complaining and whining about the election outcome. This is not a time for complaining but joining together. The Bible says that we are to pray for and support our government leaders - praying for their salvation is number one. I am clinging to only one hope and that is Jesus Christ. I have much at stake - I have a son overseas and our new President is my sons new boss. I will pray earnestly everyday that God will intervene, Christians must take a stand, for the time is short.

(Ok I'll get off my soapbox -Laurie

Treasure Seeker said...

i haven't thought of President Elect Obama being the boss of your son and our servicemen....

I mean I know that, but to put it in a personal way- as Jeremy's boss.....

Makes me want to pray THAT much more!!!!!