Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Heart of God

I have heard so much and read so much about The Heart of God. We all want to know the heart of God.

I don't know about you, but I want to know His heart so I can please Him in everything I do, say, and think.

The heart of God would be the thing that He is most passionate about. I believe the heart of God is about reaching the lost. He came to seek and to save the lost. He gave everything so that all might know Him.

I believe the heart of God is wrapped up in Missions- taking the gospel to those who do not know Him.

Missions is about traveling to cultures foreign to us and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Missions- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."

Missions - The Heart of God.

In the simplicity of Missions is the enormity of opportunity.
(Let that sink into your thinker.)

Opportunity to pray.
Opportunity to give.
Opportunity to go.

Pray. Give. Go.

In those 3 verbs are where the enormity of opportunity lies.

So, my challenging question to you today is, where do you stand in these opportunities?

Do you have missionary families that you faithfully pray for?
Do you continually and faithfully give (sacrificially) to missions?
Have you prayed for an opportunity to go?

In the simplicity of Missions is the enormity of opportunity.
Pray. Give. Go.

What will you do with the opportunity placed in your time bank?
What will you do to find the Heart of God?

I love you all and pray you are challenged way out of your comfort zone today!


1 comment:

LAURIE said...

Dorinda, from the sunny (and very HOT) Beaches of gulf shores I wanted to post in and tell you what an awesome opportunity it is to GO on a missions trip. If anybody reading your blog has never done this and wondered about it, I would say to them it is worth every dollar, every moment, every sacrifice. No one person can go on a missions trip without coming back totally changed and totally on fire to give to missions! If you have ever experienced a missions trip...

you will never give in a missions offering like before - YOU WILL GIVE MORE!

you will never pray for a missionary like before - YOU WILL PRAY MORE EARNESTLY!

Missions is the heartbeat of God. He commanded us to GO into all the earth and share His gospel.

Great post and sorry for my rambling but this is very personal to my heart as one of my own has a call of missions on his life and ever since my first missions trip - my heart has not been the same for missions! -love you, Laurie