Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday DAD!

Happy Birthday to my Wonderful Dad!

70 years ago on July 21st in the stick woods of Arkansas one of the most loving and wonderful man was born. Frank and Etta Rutherford already had two daughters and and two living sons. That day, another boy was born to their family.

They named him, Charles David. Two more sons and another daughter would follow him, making Charles (Charlie to most) smack dab in the center of this big family.

I've heard stories of his mischievousness as a boy. I've heard how he got in trouble one time and grandma was going after him with a switch. He decided he would just burn the house down. He crawled underneath their shotgun house with a box of matches. I'm not sure how or when he got out, but I'm sure he didn't sit down for a while. :)

I've heard how he fell in love with a pretty girl at the Assembly of God church in Hickory Ridge. She wouldn't date him unless he went to her church. So, he went to her church. As soon as she was old enough, they got married.

I've heard lots of stories about Charlie, but I have lots to tell myself. I tell my kids all the time what a wonderful and godly grandfather they have. I tell them how silly he used to act when we had friends over (like standing on his head, sneaking around the house trying to scare us, and many more). I tell how he was and is a great man, a loving man, and a man of awesome integrity.

He is happy, jolly and just plain fun to be around. He loves his wife and kids and absolutely adores all the granddaughters, grandson and the great granddaughters. (Jordan is severely out numbered!)

My sister and I are blessed beyond measure to have two wonderful parents. I am thankful more than words can say to be able to call Charles David Rutherford my father, my "daddy".

So, today, July 21st, I wish my wonderful dad "Happy Birthday"!

I love you so much DAD! Thank you for all your wisdom, patience, and love~!

hApPy bIrThDaY!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your dad is such a great man of God and a great example to follow. He is always joking with Grace at church or if we see him at Wal-Mart.
