Friday, October 10, 2008

God Longs for Your Heart

Death was thick, like a foul stench in the air.
Comfort was long gone and those still living were just existing.

Dry, parched air in.
Dry, parched air out.

No life.
No joy.

Just stagnant and putrid existence.

People wandered the streets as ghosts waiting- anxiously waiting - the reprieve death would bring. The few small children that managed to survive had never known the laughter and simple joys that should accompany their childhood.


These were now synonymous with the hollow life of those left in the waste land.

Those who had lived in opulence were driven to ruin.
The poor were poorer still.
There was no economy.
There was only existence.
But for what?

Another day to search for food.
Another day to endure the craving of moisture on the palette?

Where was the god Jezebel had turned their hearts to?
Where was the God the fathers used to mention?

God Almighty had fulfilled His Word.

Elijah, the Tishbite, told Ahab there would be no rain, or even dew, in the next few years.

And so- the land slowly shriveled and died.
No rain.
No water.
No moisture.
Not even the dew of the morning existed.

Ahab and Jezebel did detestable things in the sight of God Almighty. God longed for His people to serve Him and Him alone. He allowed the drought in order for His people to call upon His Name.

Jezebel, full of evil and hatred of God the Creator, refused to bow her heart to the one Who designed her heart. In the midst of the pain and suffering, she simply hated Him more.

God still longed for the heart of His people.
God still longed for the hearts of Jezebel and Ahab.

After a long time, in the third year, He spoke.
Elijah was to go to Ahab.
God, the Omnipotent, was going to send rain upon the land.
God, the Faithful, heard the cries of His people.
God, the Merciful, longed for the heart of His people.


The global markets are plunging.
Men and women who have trusted themselves and their fortunes are losing everything.

Fear is rising like bile in the throats of people.

Nations are beginning to tremble.

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

I don't know about you, but I am keeping my eyes looking up~ "stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

Our trust should be in our God, the maker of heaven and earth and not in the economy, or even in a political leader.

Make sure YOUR heart is turned to Jesus. Allow Him to be the Saviour of your soul.

God still longs for the heart of His people to turn to Him.

May our thirst be for His Living Water.
May our hunger be for His Bread of Life.
May our desire be for the sustenance of His Spirit.

God longs for your heart.

blessings and prayers,

1 comment:

Rusty L. Blann said...

Wow! Great, heart felt, Spirit led post! I love and I am very proud of you!
