Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Wishes!

I can't believe my baby boy is 16!!! Where have the years gone?
My heart is so full and so proud.
Jordan was our second child- our first born son. He has always been a loving and caring young man.
At the risk of him not being happy with his mother, let me reminisce.
I remember:
~ when he loved his pacifiers. He didn't have just one at a time. He wanted to be prepared - always. So we had one of those attachment things with like four or five at a time on there.
~when he loved Barney! He was almost three and I was pregnant with Mackenzie. Barney came to Fayetteville on a Sunday. I had the wonderful privilege of watching my toddler jump up and down and squeal with delight as the purple dinosaur sang, "I Love You!" (It was one of the most fun mother/son dates we have ever had!)
~ when he was heartbroken finding out that he wasn't supposed to live with mom and dad all of his life.
~the time he didn't want to go back to the end of the house by himself, so he bribed 1 year old Mackenzie with a cookie to go with him.
~when we knelt with him as he asked Jesus into his heart.
~when he followed the Lord in water baptism.
~ how he has always had a very protecting nature for his sisters and nieces.
~his first big hit in t-ball and screaming from 2nd base, "Mom! Mom! Did you see dat?! It went waaaay ova' der!"
~ when I kissed him good night as a 15 year old and he woke up the next morning a 16 year old
God is so good!
I love you so much and I am so proud of the man you are quickly becoming.
I see your heart and its purity and integrity. I see your leadership strengths. I see your weaknesses also, but you have learned well to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
You have found the key already to a great life and that is serving Jesus Christ with all your mind, soul, and strength.
I see greatness in you! You can do all that God has planned for you! Your destiny begins with the choices you make today. Choose wisely ~ each and every step leads you either closer to Him or away from Him.
My prayer is that you always follow after Jesus with everything inside of you.
I pray you continually,
Seek His Face.
Pursue an intimate relationship with the Savior.
Know His Truth.
Gain ultimate reality about His Kingdom.
Imitate His Ways.
Live Just like Jesus.
Love His Word.
Desire passionate revelation of His Nature.
Live His Will.
Submit daily to His Purpose.
I love you more than you will ever know! Every labor pain that I had for those 20 hours was worth it!
hApPy bIrThDaY!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, Jordan!

Ok, Dorinda...this made me cry like a baby is close behind Jordan in age but closing in on him in height. :-) My heart feels the same pride that yours does at watching our young men grow up and grow in the Lord but yet, my heart is sad too. My baby, my last born is growing up too fast and will be gone to college before I can blink. Those are where the tears come from and I cry tears of joy too at who/what they are becoming. You and Pastor Rusty have done an amazing job on raising amazing children!

Happy 16th Birthday, Jordan!!!