Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Nations

Psalm 117
"Praise the Lord, all you nations;
extol Him, all you peoples.
For great is His love toward us,
and the faitfhulness of the Lord endures forever."

The Nations

From America to China, Canada to Brazil, Greenland and Austria, Poland and Uganda-
"Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations,
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His Name;"

We are called upon time and time again in scripture to honor the Lord with the glory due His name.
We are challenged to "declare His deeds among the nations.

Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 to "go and make disciples of all nations".

I did a search on the word 'nations' at from the NIV. It is used almost 600 times through out God's word.

My favorites are those of the psalmist.

"Sing praises to the Lord; enthroned in Zion;
proclaim among the nations what He has done!" (9:11)

"I will perpetuate your memory through all generations;
therefore the nations will praise you for ever and ever." (45:17)

This next one is a familar verse, but we seldom remember the result of being still before Him:

"Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth." (46:10)


The Nations need to know our God and our Savior.
The Nations need to know of His redeeming love.
The Nations need to know of His miraculous nature.
The Nations need to know of the Justness of His person.
The Nations need to know how Great and Glorious He is.
The Nations need to know Him!

Missions is about proclaiming our God to the Nations.
As I have said before, the simplicity of missions is this:


At our church we are in the middle of our annual Missions Convention. We bring missionaries in and honor them, pray for them, and give to them. Every year or so we take a team of workers to one of these places and help with construction projects.

The Nations.
Let's pray together that the Nations will know and reverence the Name of our God!



LAURIE said...

I also posted on missions today - I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have had to GO and assist on mission trips - I believe without a shadow of a doubt - it has given me a deeper love for missions. God Bless.

Treasure Seeker said...

great minds think alike...
or rather....

The Spirit is speaking to our hearts. :)

I loved your post- as always.
