Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Proud Mother

Outside of Jesus Christ, my husband and my kids are the most important things in the world to me! My husband and I have a saying - that we appreciate our kids more because we HAD to wait so long to get them. We used to dream of the day we would have a family, and now that day is STILL here! WE are so blessed and so very proud of all of them!

So, we had ballgames last night- some we lost, but the last one we WON!

It was one of those "sweet" victories. If you've ever had a child play sports, you know what I'm talking about.~

Mackenzie's game was a heartbreaking lost. They fought so hard and came back and "almost" won. My Mack played an awesome game. I was so proud of her!

Jordan's game was a win! The Senior High boys played the same school that the Junior High girls played. And I wanted to S C R E E E A M from the stands for ALL of the games, "We ARE NOT playing Rugby! This is b-a-s-k-e-t-b-a-l-l." But thankfully I kept some semblance of self-control and did not. So, when the final buzzer announced the end of the game- our team had the most points, and that my friend was a SWEET victory indeed! After all the sucker punches, shoving, pushing, kicking and scratching, our kids won- by not stooping to that level. So, it was a good win. And.... Jordan played an excellent game also! I was proud of him also!

I know. I know. It's a sport. They play tough. They play rough. And the kids can take it, so why shouldn't the adults just put on their big girl undies and deal with it? :D

But two of those players are MY BABIES!!!!

So now, with every head bowed and every eye closed, please pray for me to have a Christ like spirit and attitude during ALL sporting events in which my children participate! :) (I'm NOT kidding!)

Okay, on to my other wonderful children......

My Taylor LOVES school. I can't bold it enough or capitalize it enough for you to understand how much this child enjoys learning and reading. She works hard at her "occupation" as student. She brought home her weekly grades yesterday with a big grin. We celebrated with each "A" paper I signed! She is so smart and studious!

Last but not least, I want to introduce to you, my daughter's newest Missionary Blog!

Please click here - after your done reading my blog to see it.

Brad and Glenda (my daughter) are newly appointed missionaries with the Assemblies of God. They will be living in Madrid, Spain and working with IMM- International Media Ministries. Brad creates video that shares the message of Jesus Christ. IMM is known for their quality film productions that are televised in non-Christian countries- countries where churches and preaching Jesus Christ are illegal.

I am proud of all four of my children!

God is so good to have blessed me with children and grandchildren! My life is full and my heart overflows!

I tell my kids all the time, "I am proud of you. Not because of your looks - which they are beautiful. Not because of your achievement - which they are wonderful. Not because of your athletic skills- which they are great. But because of who you are on the inside, because of who you have allowed Christ to be in your life. He is what makes you wonderful, special, unique and great! It is HIM in you that makes this mom proud!"

I just wanted to brag a little today.........
hope you didn't mind!


1 comment:

Glenda McMath said...

Maybe I should do a post called, "Proud Daughter"! Because I TRULY have the most AWESOME parents on the planet! :)