Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Emotional Healing: Trophy or Treasure?


I have a few trophies from my teen years.
I think they are in a box in my attic.
My memory escapes me as to why I "earned" them.
(I can tell you for absolute sure that not one of them is for a sporting event!) ha!

They are dusty, tarnished and abandoned.
When they were new, I displayed them with pride. The sense of accomplishment and conquest made me feel good
about myself.

Since I am the most blessed woman on the face of this great earth [ :) ], I have quite a few treasures.
My treasures are my pride and joy. I cherish them, protect them, and adore them.
Their value is beyond measure and only a fool would not wisely guard something so valuable.
My treasures cannot be traded, sold or even lose their value. My treasures only gain value with the passing of time.
My treasures have names: Rusty, Jordan, Mackenzie, Taylor, Glenda, Brad, Macy and Mia. Other treasures are my salvation, my integrity, my character, and my calling.
There are massive differences between my trophies and my treasures, as with most people.
My question to you ladies today is this:
Are YOU a "Trophy" or a "Treasure"?
Does your husband, boyfriend of family treat you as a "Trophy" or a "Treasure"?
Which do you want to be?
If you choose Treasure, then are you making choices that reflect your true value that God has placed inside of you?
My prayer and my longing for you today is to KNOW WHO you are IN Christ! You ARE a Treasure! Live like. Choose like it. Know it!
Oh! I have a TREASURE of a friend who started a new blog yesterday. It touched my heart. She will be sharing her journey from Brokenness to Beauty. To read her first entry click here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Treasures in Jars of Clay

I've just been thinking.....

When I started this blog and had to come up with a name for it, I did it on a whim. (typical me)

I liked the verse about "treasures in jars of clay" and had just spoken at a Women's Conference on the subject~ so, the topic was fresh in my mind.

Little did I know that my little "whim" was going to become such a passion of mine~ and I am not just talking about blogging. I am talking about my Mission Statement for this blog:

"Helping women discover the Treasure God has placed in them"

So, here are some more thoughts and maybe even a snid bit of a story............


She handed me the picture and I refrained from gasping as I looked at a reflection of her with bruises and two black eyes.

Anger immediately began boiling inside of me!

What cowardly beast would leave a woman looking like this?

We sat and listened. Many words were spoken. Tears flowed.

I was still in shock.
Not so much at the pictures and the story but from what I was hearing.

What I saw and knew was this~ a beautiful, energetic and intelligent young lady sat in front of me.

What I heard was this~ I am fat, stupid and worthless.

No. She didn't say those words per say, but her story said she believed it.

My husband is the "Biblical counselor". I was just there as the accountability chaperon since it was a weekend, but I wanted to grab her and say, "WHO~ WHO has been telling you all these lies?! WHO would have to audacity to try to make you think that you are not the amazing, beautiful young lady that you are?!!"

She IS a treasure!
She IS precious!
She IS loved by her heavenly Father!
She DOES have a future!
She DOES have VALUE!
She IS Special!

After over 25 years of ministry, the details may change a little, but the bones of the story are the same~ Satan has come in to a beautiful young life and began telling her a little lie at a time. Little by little a gorgeous precious princess begins to believe the lie. Before long, she is wrapped up in the enemy's web of deception and entrapped in his yoke of bondage. She feels worthless and rejected~ thinking she deserves everything she has gotten.

After over 25 years of ministry my heart still breaks and my anger still boils! My anger boils at the enemy and the putrid lies he sells so cheap to such precious women God longs to free from the deceiver's grip.

Once again my passion for the purpose of this blog is renewed.
I hope to share some more in the coming weeks on the basics of breaking free from the bondage of the enemy's lies.

Pray with me that God will lead, direct and anoint!

Pray with me that these precious ladies will know that they can find their Treasure in Jars of Clay!


Friday, April 24, 2009

A Pulpit or a Deep Pit?

I was sitting here working on my blog- thinking, praying~ not having any direction.

I was totally blank.

(A rare occasion). :)

My husband walks in the rooms and says let me read what I am posting on my blog today.


His post follows well with what I posted yesterday, so I am giving you a link directly to his.

Just click here and you will go to his blog. Enjoy.

(His is the most anointed preacher/teacher I have EVER heard.) And I love him SO much.

Be blessed!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Coping with Loneliness

A few days ago, God laid something on my heart to share with a precious young lady.

As I was praying today about what to blog, something brought my conversation with her back to my mind. I want to share parts this on my blog with you.

God knows each and every person who will stop by today, and He knows the needs of your heart.

I believe that a word God gives one person, can also apply to another.

May you be encouraged as you hear His voice today:


God has a specific plan for your life. His call to you is evident.

The valley of loneliness you are going through right now has not gone unnoticed by your Savior. Sometimes, He allows us to go through those moments, so we will have a greater understanding of Who He is when we come out of that valley.

In the valley you are in right now, He is cultivating a passion and desire for TRUE worship and complete trusty in Him. True worship is so rare these days. People get fixated on the hype and glamour of worship and sometimes lose the Person of Worship-Jesus. Complete trust in God is contrary to our independent lifestyles. We easily lose sight of the fact the He alone is the one who knows what is best for us.

Walk through your valley with your head high and your purpose secure. Know that He knows the very desires of your heart. Know that He has the best planned for you and He will NEVER short change one with whom is so pleased. His favor rests upon you for a reason.

Be determined to fulfill His EVERY purpose for your life.
Stay true to His heart and He will guide you.
Continue to seek His face with everything inside of you.
Listen to His heart beat.
Listen to His voice. Allow HIM to be your everything~ you NEED NOTHING else.

When your relationship with Him is so full that you WANT nothing else, then you will be so lost in HIM
that others have to find Him to get to you.

In the valley you will know Him in ways you never would have otherwise. It is through that knowledge of Him that you will gain greater insight in how to truly worship and trust in Him.


I feel this so much today. I know that someone just needs that confirmation.

Please click here to read Psalm 84 - a powerful scripture to read along with this post.

For other posts on the Valley of Baca click here and then here.

I pray you have a blessed and wonderful day!

Know that He is God and is the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient Creator of the Universe that loves you specifically VERY much!

love you all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Promise from God

Isaiah 55
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD . 9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields
seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
13 Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree,
and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the LORD's renown,
for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."
I was on my way to an appointment this morning when a friend texted me and wanted to know where this verse was. I pulled into the parking lot and did a quick search on my phone and sent the reference back.
I read the entire passage while sitting in my car.... over and over again.
My~ God's Word IS powerful and active and sharper than any two-edged sword! *Heb. 4:12
Why don't you just scroll right back up there and soak that passage in, cause you know- if you are like me you just skimmed right over it.... :)
The Word of God is like a seed planted in our hearts and it WILL accomplish what God sends it to accomplish!
That is a Promise!
So, moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, friends and family hang on to your britches - 'cause this applies to your lost child, grandchild, friend and family member!
Pray that promise through! Did your unsaved loved one have the Word of God read to them as a child? Did your friend, living in bondage, once have a passionate relationship with God?
Pray Isaiah 55:11 over your loved one every day. Claim the Promise God has given you in this verse. Read it. Study it. Memorize it! Let God's Word sink way down deep into your spirit man~ and make the devil run scared!
This is your promise! So stand on it and believe it!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A REPEAT POST: Pursuing God's Will

[It is Friday, and I stumbled across this post from last November. I want to post it again~ just in case some of you didn't read it. Sometimes we run from God's purpose for our lives because we are afraid. But..... Jeremiah 29:11 says that God wants to prosper us and NOT to harm us, to give us a hope AND a future. Dwell on that thought as your read this narrative.]

Pursuing God's Will

The smell was more nauseating than anything else. Couple that with the constant motion of the water and the seaweed wrapped around him, the man expected nothing but death.

Rotten fish.
Stinking fish.
Live fish.
Dying fish.

Entangled man.
Rotting man.
Live man.
Dying man.

How did he end up in this place? Why didn't God just let him die in the sea? Why did he have to end up here to die a slow, painful and agonizing death?

The gastrinal juices kept burning his flesh. Open sores were appearing all over his body. There was no way to be comfortable, no way to rest. Why couldn't he just die?!

He found a piece of wood and rested as much as possible. If he laid across it just right, then maybe he wouldn't have to tread water and dead fish so much.

He drifted to sleep.

He heard the voice. Plain, simple. No details yet, but that didn't matter. He heard God speak!
Once again he felt the excitement!

He was needed! God in heaven had a job for him. He was to prepare to take a message!

Just like the prophets of old Elijah and Elisha!
Maybe a scroll would be written about the things God would do through him!

Even in his dream, he smiled thinking of what the future would hold for him. His mother and father would be so proud. He was to be used of Yahweh!

At that moment the dream took a turn. The confusion pumped adrenaline through his body even in his exhaustive slumber.

God spoke again.
He listened intently.
He couldn't understand!
What?! What did God say!?
What was his assignment?

He could hear God speak, but he couldn't make out the words. In desperation, he moved closer to the sound of His voice. At his movements, his arms fell off the resting of the wood and his face hit the sea water mixed with rotten fish and digestive juices. The acid burned his face, nose and eyes. The seaweed continued to entangle him.

He was awake!

He shuddered when he realized he had been dreaming.

But it wasn't just an ethereal dream. His dream had been reliving his past.

God had called him.
He was afraid of the murderers and he ran.

He was past sobbing, past anger, past frustration. He was dying and was in a sleep deprived stupor.

He, Jonah, had failed God.

He was going to die in the insides of this giant fish and no one would ever know what happened to him.

Repentance filled his heart.

"Oooooooooh, God!!! Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!!! I am sorrrrryyyy!! Please forgive me!"

The giant fish lurched forward. Jonah almost drowned again.

And as suddenly as he found himself inside of the fish, now he was out.

With the fresh breeze blowing on the shoreline, Jonah got a whiff of the putridness that engulfed him.

Excitement to be alive and free filled his heart!

He, Jonah, still had a job to do! He would fulfill his vow to God and deliver the message to the wicked city of Nineveh.
He, Jonah, had already stared death in the face and was alive still.
He, Jonah, would go to Nineveh and deliver the message of God!

This story has been in my heart for several weeks. Sometimes we lose sight of the message God wants to give us when we hear a Bible story over and over as children and adults.

Sometimes God asks us to do something without giving us all the details.
Our prideful hearts get a little puffed up as we "imagine" how God's plans will turn out.

Then, as God reveals the details to us, we are aghast that He would "dare" go against what our little hearts had imagined.

We can't see how His plan could possibly produce our expected outcome.
We argue with God and try to convince Him the "error" of His ways.

We then find ourselves ensnared as a product of our own choices.

God in His mercy, providence, and amazing grace is patient and provides a way of escape and gives us another chance.

His calling is without repentance.

His calling is in HIS divine plan.

His Way.
His Time.
His Will.
His result.

I have a feeling I am not through with this subject.
May God speak to your heart and you submit totally to His will!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Treasure Chest

When I first started my blog, I ended each post with some resources out of my "Treasure Chest".
I stopped it because it was such a hassle posting the picture at the end and all the details (I am NOT a detail person!!!) that came with sharing information.
So...... I am going to try to bring the Treasure Chest back in a post by itself. I will do this periodically~ so ya just have to watch for it. :)
This weeks Treasure Chest Feature is a wealth of information and resources for mom's of teens.
The blog "Virtue Alert" by Vickie Courtney is amazing! I love her candid and humorous approach to scrutinizing our carnal culture. She gives you tips on things to avoid and issues to dive into head on.
To view her blog, just click <here>. When you do visit her blog, allow at least 30 minutes to browse all the links she has. There is also a blog for your teen daughter! It's not a bad place for mom's of teen boys either. Learn what virtuous girls should avoid~ and help your son make wise choices.
Excuse me while I take a trip to the "Virtue Alert"!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Good-o-Meter

Truth in Humor.

A humorous but very true skit about the justification we receive from the Savior.

Now - for another look at the propitiation of our sins, I invite you to our drama this Sunday morning at 8:00 am or 10:30 am~ if you are in the West Memphis area.

We are presenting a short skit entitled, "The Trial of Hugh Mann". It was written by a friend of mine, Peggy Catron, while we were in Bible College.

"The Trial of Hugh Mann" has a very poignant and sobering message. Please bring your lost friends and family members.

See you Sunday!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Timing is Everything!

I have two struggles in my life. One of my greatest goals is that by the time I see Jesus face to face I will have conquered them.

Those of you who are like my Mack and want to know all the juicy details are saying, "What! What?! What are they!"

The first one haunted me from the time I was a pre-schooler. I procrastinated the chore even then.
One of my mom's famous stories about me is when she was teaching me to put my clothes away. My job was to put my undies in the drawer and put my dresses on a hanger in my closet (it had a low rod).

After a couple of weeks, she started missing my clothes. ~not in the laundry and not in my room. She began a search and found the answer to why I had "caught on" to my new chore so quickly.

She found all of my freshly laundered clothes stuffed under my mattress.

Well, I don't stuff my laundry under a mattress anymore, but it is something I cannot seem to get "victory" over! ha!

The other "struggle" I have is what I want to talk about today.


yep. You guessed it.

It slips away from me like butter on a pancake!
And sometimes, [shock] I am not on time....
ok., well more than sometimes, I am .....

There, I said it!

You know it's bad when.....
  • On Sunday mornings, if people pull in the parking lot at church when I do, they KNOW they are late.
  • People ask if everything is ok when you ARE on time.
  • Your kids run out of the door with their shoes in their hands, yelling, "Hurry!", when you haven't even told them what time it is.
Those of you who know me are laughing about now. [ Shame on you if you are judging me. ]
Those of you who don't know me are thinking, "is she for real!"

Well, it may not be THAT bad, but it sadly is a trait I am known for.

Does that mean I give up and don't try to correct it?

No way!

I am working on ways to constantly improve my issues in this area....
  • like laying out clothes the night before
  • having a spot for everything so I don't spend valuable time looking for stuff
  • training my kids to do stuff themselves
  • getting up earlier (I've been with out sleep for 10 years now.... ha! jk)

One thing I have learned in my perpetual quest to master this problem is~

Timing is Everything! ~ or so it seems.

Most of you know that we are in the middle of the Beth Moore Esther study.

Today was Bible Study day! I LOVED it. God spoke to my heart about so many things. One of them was regarding Isaiah 40:31.....

"Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."

Sometimes it is really hard to wait, because as she said in the video, "Our culture trains us to be impatient."

Hmmmmm... How true is that?!!!

Everything is new and improved to serve us better and faster.

We get accustomed to that and feel devalued when we have to wait.

Poor us!

Well, I am working on my timing issues on both sides - on promptness and on waiting.

I bet, that anything God has for us is....

"Worth the Wait"!



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finders Keepers!

It never fails~ when I am running late (which is often), I can't seem to find my keys or my purse, or most often my cell phone.


Makes me wish I was one of those OCD people that have complete control over everything! But the irony is, in our family I am the best "finder".

If someone misplaces something, they call for me to find it.
~Like a missing sock, or shoe, or brush, or even the valuable ball glove.

Why? Because I look diligently for the missing item.

I am especially diligent when it is important to me!

That reminds me of Jeremiah 29:13:
"You will seek me and find me WHEN you seek me with ALL your heart."

We will find God only when it is the most important thing to us.
All other priorities have to be set aside.
All distractions must be dismissed.
God will be found when we recognize our need for Him and when we desire Him.


So, how about it?
Seek Him with EVERYTHING inside of you!
Stop letting the business of life take away from a vibrant and real relationship with Him.
Make Him your top priority over everything else.

"Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

Finders Keepers!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spilled Milk

I was in a hurry this morning.

My schedule has been a little crazy lately and I haven't been in my office for decades it seems. I wanted to blog before the day got rolling.

I was quite proud of myself, because I was about to walk out the door a good 30 minutes early. To reward myself, I had already decided on a wonderful Large Diet Coke from McDs.

My peacock proud self was turning to grab my computer and other bags when I heard a rather loud "splat!"

I whirled around to see chocolate milk everywhere, and I do mean everywhere.

"Don't cry over spilled milk." ~ Yeah, right.

I don't know where it came from. I don't know how it fell. But I do know that it when from one side of my dining area to the next~ and even up the wall four feet away!

I groaned because I wondered if I would get that sparkly and fizzy ice cold diet coke....

So, I put a little hurry in my steps to make it all possible. I am wiping away at the chocolate milk that spread further with every swipe of my hand.


"How did it spill so quickly - and was there a whole udder full of milk in that little cup??!!!!"

Being careful not to get the milk on my work clothes, I squatted on my feet rather than getting on my knees.

What is the other cliche?

"Haste makes waste" ???

Stepping forward to get those puddles way underneath the table, the inevitable for Dorinda happened.

Second "splat" for the day.

Except this time it wasn't milk, it was me!!!

And~ it wasn't a pretty sight!

My boots, slipped on the wet floor, my feet went one direction, my head the other, and there I was wallowing in pools of chocolate milk.

Can I type a bigger OOOOOOOOOOooooooooofffffffffffffffffffff!!!!???~ with a thunderous roll of laughter?


So, I s-l-0-w-l-y pick myself up - out of the milk- and carefully position myself to not repeat that "splat".

I methodically finish my chore.


Sometimes we just need to slow down and enjoy our moments.

Who knows?

Might I have encountered a careless driver?

Maybe I would have been the careless one?

Maybe, just maybe, I needed to be reminded that

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

"A cheerful heart is good medicine...." Proverbs 17:22

Well, maybe I just needed to give one of you a good laugh today. :)

I don't care, I'm used to it! I have so many goofy things happen to me, that if I told them all, you would think I made them up! ha!

I pray you have a blessed day and that each of your days, you stop to allow Him control of every little thing~ even if it includes 15 minutes of cleaning up spilled milk!



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Easter Glimpse: Mary the Mother of Jesus

She snuggled the baby boy in her arms. She smiled at the scent of his freshly bathed little body. Her heart sighed in contentment.

“He was safe in her arms.”

“Mary! Mary! Wake up!”

Startled from her slumber, Mary awakened with the smile still in her heart. At that moment, when she saw the sadness in Salome’s eyes, reality came crashing through.

She had been dreaming.
Jesus was not a baby anymore.
He was a wonderful grown man who had done so many marvelous miracles! Two days ago she watched him die.

Why was all this happening?!

Jesus had never hurt anyone! For that matter, in all honesty, she couldn’t even remember that he had ever done ANYTHING wrong. Yet, her first born son died a criminal’s death.


It was a brutal and cruel way to die. It was a horrible way to see your son die~ to watch him breathe in agony and pain~ to watch other’s scorn and mock him.

She almost fainted when she heard the hammer drive the spikes into his hands.
When they crossed his legs and drove the spike through his feet, she moaned and almost passed out again. What pain he must have felt and gone through. What agony to know that he did not deserve such treatment. Even in his death he was concerned about others.

The memories of his death brought back that unbelievable pain again, but not a physical pain. Hers was emotional. She was still in shock. Her eyes were swollen and her stomach hurt.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this!

He IS the Son of God!


He WAS the Son of God!

He, her son, the Son of the most High God, was dead!

She just couldn’t wrap her mind around that fact.

What was it the angel Gabriel told her, just 30 something years ago?
“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”
He was never crowned King of Israel.
They crucified him.

He didn’t sit on the throne of his ancestor David.
He was dead.

He wouldn’t reign over the house of Jacob.
He was in a tomb.

His kingdom will never end…..
It never started.

All these years she had held on to what Gabriel told her.

Confusion set in.

What went wrong? She knew~ better than anyone~ that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She knew what Gabriel said had been true, but WHY would Yahweh let them kill him?

“Why!?”, her heart cried.

Her head throbbed with all the questions in her mind and the sorrow in her heart.

She heard the hushed voices outside the door and washed her face. She breathed a prayer for strength.

It was good to see the others. There was comfort in their embrace, yet the deep grief still sat in her chest and threatened to explode in uncontrollable sobs and shaking.

One by one, the disciples filtered in. Salome and the two other Mary’s prepared some breakfast.
There wasn’t much talking. Everyone still seemed to be in a state of shock. Even James and John, who always seemed to have an opinion about something, were quiet.

There were whispered conversations of going into hiding, something about Judas’ body, and of going to the tomb.

The tomb.

The finality of hearing it ripped her heart some more. Her sister and some other women were about to leave to go to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body.

Sadness wearied her.

John came to her side and encouraged her to lie down again.
“Let them do the preparations, Mother. You must rest. We do not know what the next few days and weeks will hold.”

She nodded and rose to go to her room.

She tried to close her eyes, but all she could see was the blood dripping down his face, from his hands and feet, and from the many wounds on his body.

She and John and several others had stayed until the end.
The End.

She just couldn’t figure it out. Why couldn’t she just let go?
How had she and her Joseph been so wrong for all of those years?
What about Elizabeth and Zechariah and their John? They hadn’t lived to see John’s murder, but weren’t they just as wrong?

What about all of those prophecies Zechariah told them about? Even little Jesus as a young teen seemed to understand scriptures like no one else.

He had.
A shaft of light and understanding shot through her mind.
He did try to tell them all that he was about to die.
But she hadn’t wanted to listen.
She kept denying what he was trying to say, because she didn’t want to believe it.

She heard a commotion outside the house. An adrenaline rush cursed through her veins. Were the soldiers coming for them now?
It was Mary Magdelene’s voice she heard.

“He’s alive! Mary, Mary! He’s alive! The angel said He would meet us in Galilee!!! Can you believe it? He’s alive!”

Before Mary could even think, her feet were on the floor and she was running to the sound of Mary Madgalene’s voice! Could it be? Could it really be?!

Jesus! Alive!

She and Peter asked Mary Magdelene to start from the beginning. She told them everything~ about wondering how they were going to roll the stone away, about seeing the Roman soldiers passed out, about the angels talking to them, about the tomb being empty.

Mary asked her to describe the angels.
“What did they say exactly?”
“What did they look like?”

An old familiar feeling warmed her heart. It may not have been Gabriel, but Mary Madgelene definitely described an angel just like him.

Jesus! Alive!

He was meeting them in Galilee?!!!!

She would see her son again!?

Jesus Alive – changed everything!

Where once sadness and grief consumed her, joy and wonder now filled her!

He raised Lazarus. He raised Jairus’ daughter and another woman’s son. Now, the power of God raised her son!

Jesus was alive!

As she hurried to prepare for the trip to Galilee, she came across her robe from the other day. She had thrown it in the corner because the blood stains would never come out.

When Joseph of Arimethea had taken his body down from the cross, she, his mother, cradled him one last time in her arms. She had wailed and kissed his blood stained face.
Then~ he was dead.
Now~ he was alive!

Why did Yahweh allow him to suffer such horrible agony?
Jesus knew.
Jesus would tell them all.

There was something she remembered from years ago that Zechariah said, something about the blood of the Lamb and the Passover……

The Lamb that takes away the sin of the world….

Jesus was Alive!
Her mother’s heart smiled.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Passion Week

This week is one of my favorite weeks of the year~ the week we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I hope each day to , pick a person from the gospels and see Passion Week through their eyes. I have no clue what these people were thinking except for what God's Word tells us, but I would like to imagine.

So, who would you like to read about? Peter? John? Mary Magdalene? Mary the Mother of Jesus? The guy who carried the cross? Judas? The High Priest?

Think about it and give me some feedback. I want to learn and study these people more than I ever have.

And what about you?

How do you see Passion Week?

Easter Eggs?



New Clothes?


Complete sacrifice?



Whatever your thoughts are of this sacred time of remembrance, I pray that you know without a shadow of a doubt that the price for your sins has been paid by the blood of one man~ the Son of the One True God. ~But~ He did NOT stay dead. The power of His Holy Spirit raised Him up and He now sets at the right hand of God the Father!

And most imporantly,






ps~ give me some feedback!


Friday, April 3, 2009

The Call of the Wild

It was almost 11pm and my eyes were beginning to cross. My soon to be 16 year old son, looks at me and says,"What do you think about this, mom?"

I look at the essay questions.


I have no clue because I have never read the book.

So, like the wonderful mother that I am, (yeah, right) I pick up the book and begin reading The Call of the Wild.

I am mesmerized by paragraph 2. By paragraph 3 I realize that the lead character, Buck, is not what I thought.

By the end of chapter three, I see so many spiritual analogies, I am almost foaming at the mouth - pun intended (you have to read the book to get it) to blog immediately.

I have written all of that, to say this~
The book - The Call of the Wild is about a canine creature that began his life in luxury and comfort, only to be abducted and thrust into the cold, harsh world of dog sledding. To survive, Buck must allow his "wild" animal instincts to take over and kill or be killed.

We as Christians have our own Call of the Wild. It is our carnal or fleshly nature~ our lower nature as some say. We "domesticate" it and act civilized~ most of the time, but let a crisis come our way, or someone upset us, or an emotional upset, and that call of the wild howls in our souls.

The cry comes sometimes when we least expect it, craving, yelping, and howling to raise it's ugly head and destroy our Spirit led walk with God.

Something I never struggled with until I had children was offense. Someone could talk about me, say ugly things to me, and treat me horrible, and it just didn't bother me. But..... you let anyone mess with my babies! Oh. My. Goodness. I have to pray, fast, and just about enter a monastery to live the christian life God wants me to!

Why is that?
I remember when my daughter, who is a naturally talented athlete (she doesn't take after her mom), tried out for a competitive team. She went to the try outs and did a phenomenal job. Parents around me were saying, "Wow! She is good." She was only 7 or 8, but I just sat there and smiled, assuming she had cinched her spot on the team.

And lo, and behold, those people had the audacity to NOT pick my baby!!!!

Oh. No. They. Didn't!

But Oh, yes they did.

Thankfully I didn't "show" myself in front of God and every other parent there, but I walked out, holding my sobbing daughter's hand, and stuffed anger way down inside.

It was hard to explain to my young daughter that "Yes, you are only 7 years old and you made four beautiful free throws and several other shots. No, I didn't see many others do that. Yes, you dribbled wonderfully. Yes, you had 4 steals. But no, baby, they did not choose you."

It was a great opportunity to teach her that her value does not come from her accomplishments or successes. Her value comes from who Christ says she is.

It was a greater opportunity for Christ to do HIS work in her mom.
I had to learn to let go of that offense for my baby.
When she cried, my heart hurt. I was her mother. I am supposed to protect her from all the evils of the world. Even evils that are unfair?

So, more than learning the value of character for my seven year old, mom learned the beauty of allowing God to develop HIS character in me in ALL areas.

For me, that was The Call of the Wild~ that call, that howling, that yearning to go give somebody, I don't know who, but give somebody the "what for" for making my baby cry.

The Call of the Wild was crying my name to hold on to offense and bitterness, to be angry because of an unfair injustice.

The lower nature of my self was trying to rear it's ugly head. ~And I think it did.

My point?

We all, no matter how long we have known Christ, have to make a decision to die daily to that sinful nature. No, we do not need to get "saved" every day, but we do need to choose to submit to God's nature in our lives. It is called sanctification- instantaneous and daily. His blood cleanses us and washes us white as snow, then we daily must separate ourselves from that part of our nature that wants to conform to the world.

Romans 12:1-2 in the Message says this:

2Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Wow! Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.

How many times does that describe us? More importantly, how many times does that describe me?

Lord, please help me to fix my attention on You, God. I want to be changed from the inside out. Help me to readily and quickly recognize what You want from me and help me to quickly respond to Your will. Help me refuse the "call of the wild" in my soul and to submit to You and Your plan for my life!

