Thursday, August 28, 2008


I want to post a lighter thought today.
I need to laugh.

Joy is a happiness that stays regardless of circumstances.

We say our earthly goodbyes to Carmen today~ a "see ya later" until we see her again in heaven.

But Carmen loved to laugh.
So, for Carmen today, let's laugh and rejoice that she has received her eternal reward!


I had a BIG headache last night on the right side of my head.

It was kind of nice because my usually "demanding" family was extremely sympathetic. For a few moments, the children all had a common goal of "not bothering" mom because "she doesn't feel well."

It didn't last long,
but it was nice for a few minutes. (note to self: be careful not to "ham" up any other ailments just for a few moments of peace.) :)

This morning, as everyone awakened, their first words were "is your headache better". Wow! I was impressed!

I answered that yes, I was all better ~ no headache ~ all better! Thank you, Jesus!

Life returned to it's noisy normal.

"Mom! She's touching me!"
"Mom! Tell Jordan to stop!"
"Mom! Where are my shoes?"

I was preparing breakfast for the brood. I bent my head to grab a bowl and

I smacked, and I mean SMACKED the mess out of my head!

It takes a special grace and talent to achieve some of the injuries I can accumulate, and this was no exception!

Before anyone had time to be sympathetic, we all erupted in laughter.

Last night, the right side of my head hurt.
Today, I evened it out by leveling out the left side.

I am balanced!

Well, you probably won't laugh like we did, because you weren't privileged enough to witness the gracefulness of my ways, but trust me. It deserved a laugh.

So, laugh at yourself today.
Find the fun things in every aspect of your day.

Find His Joy regardless of your circumstance.
Paul wrote his amazing "Joy Epic" while in a dreary Roman prison.

Laugh today.
For Carmen.

blessings and prayers,


Anonymous said...

I love it! I can so relate!
Thanks for the laugh!!!!

LAURIE said...

Well...I don't think that I would find pleasure at laughing at your pain. But finding joy in the midst of our suffering....that is only possible with our Lord and I rejoice that our friend Carmen is at peace forever more! For that I am happy.

love Laurie

Treasure Seeker said...

Thanks for sharing your humorous story! That is hilarious, and made me laugh out loud, and the Bible says that is good for the heart! I love you!