Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Purity and Innocence

I was watching my daughter at her softball practice with the other bleacher moms. One of the other players had a four year old sister watching the practice with her mom. The young girl was having a blast jumping and running.

Her mom did something that tickled the pre-schooler. Her laughter came in ripples and joy filled giggles. The smile on her face reflected the happiness in her heart. She is an innocent and joy filled child.
Her laughter was like that of most children.

Have you ever thought about the laughter of children? Have you ever noticed that it makes you smile from the inside out?

Why is that?
Because it is from a pure heart!
I love to watch kids have a good time. Their giggles and laughter make me smile.
If it makes me smile, how much more does their laughter please our Father in heaven?

Sometimes as adults, I think we laugh at the wrong things. Things that are not
adorable or

We taint the laughter with selfish remarks, crude thoughts and even lewd descriptions.
That has to make our Father in heaven sad.

But why do we have to let the maturity of life bring us dirt and mire of the sinful nature?
Because we "know" more about things, does that mean we have to lose that purity that makes our Father in heaven smile?

I don't think so. I think we can maintain a purity along with maturity.
Words that can describe things we adults laugh at.

Philippians 4:8 NIV
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

Hmmmmm. I guess God gave us instructions for everything, huh? I would say that we get that purity from what we think about or dwell on.
Oh, God, please give me a pure heart. Cleanse from me the dirt and mire of the carnal nature and from this world! Make my heart innocent again. May my laughter make you smile from the inside out.
On our way to school this morning, my girls and I prayed for God to cleanse our hearts just like the rain cleanses the air. We prayed for Him to give us a new heart - a pure heart. We prayed for the rain of His presence to make us clean from all the sin and carnal nature.
My girls' heads were bowed. I saw their lips moving in earnest and contrite prayer.
God heard them.
He heard me.
A pure heart.
An innocent giggle.
A proud Father's smile.
Psalm 51:10
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
My quote for the day:
Purity and innocence does not disappear with the absence of youth. Purity and innocence disappears with the absence of His presence and His Word.
I pray you all have a day filled with laughter, giggles and an innocent heart!
love you all!
PS - I think I have the email subscription thing working. Please sign up to receive automated emails for new posts.


Rusty L. Blann said...

I collect quotes, and your quote today is awesome. That one is going in my file! Great post. Love you!


Anonymous said...

I constantly think about how young and pure and innocent my boys are...It is a wonderful feeling to hear them laugh and this message is so true...I hope we all laugh at joy the way our children do!
